Argh Mateys! Intl Talk Like A Pirate Day

by Valis 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    arrr me hardy! both of em were a right start if I do be saying so meself...arrrr...if ye be looking careful like thar be goin upwards an anuther orizontal like...arrrr.


    District Overbeer

  • heathen

    ARRRRRRRRR I be capin as well . lol just need to find me some treasure and wenches .

  • SpannerintheWorks


    Try might like it!

    With girls, maybe, but not Valis!


  • obiwan

    heathen, I have some wrenches for ya!

  • ashitaka
    stay clear of the poop deck lest she braodside you with cannons a blazin

    Not so, matey. I just have to give 'er an ale, and I can swab her deck, and then I can climb the gantry onto the poop deck, lest she make me walk the plank.

    Thar she blows! LOL


  • Aztec

    "heathen, I have some wrenches for ya!"

    *crosses fingers that Obi isn't talkin about she....arrrgh*


  • tinkerbell82

    LOL did he mean "wrenches" or "wenches" ? ;)

  • drwtsn32

    LOL... that was funny! I got Cap'n too, so I went back and picked all the chum answers just for fun:

    Ol' Chummy

    Profile. You look old for your age. Hygiene is just that thing that happens to other Pirates. You like what you like. Taking a cannonball to the head in your younger days hasn't helped. Not one to take risks, you enjoy quiet evenings on your bunk. You're a collector. You like things. Not, "nice" things- just things. Some people think of you as a blight on humanity - a carbuncle on the alabaster skin of man. You think of yourself as a swell guy with lots of friend - just the one, but lots of him. If you weren't a pirate, but rather lived in the 21st Century, you would be the kind of guy who has played a computer game for four days without thinking of showering and living solely on Mountain Dew and Cool Ranch Doritos. What you lack in physical attractiveness you more than make up for in interesting skin conditions. What's the upside of all of this? With the Captain's lifestyle, you are likely to be running the ship in a week or two. Ahead! Warp Factor ONE!

    Wow, it is sooooo right! I LOVE Cool Ranch Doritos!

  • obiwan

    Arrr, I meant wrenches from ye tool box ya land lubber's...yarrr!

  • heathen

    obiwan-- I need me some wenches lest I make ye my cabin boy and you know what that means .

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