Argh Mateys! Intl Talk Like A Pirate Day

by Valis 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    Spanner, REREAD the first page of this thread. If you still don't get it pm me and I will try to help.

    Eviscerates Doc for laughing.


  • arrowstar

    ut oh..........Spanner said a bad bad word.


  • ashitaka


    But, but, but, *sniffle* I like my intestines where they are! In my belly!


  • Aztec

    Ahhh Ashi but I haven't eviscerated you yet.

    Ya catching on Spanner?


  • xjw_b12

    Gotta love that English to Pirate translator:

    Here is Simon's original post about "No more soapboxes, politics and whining whinging"

    Spoken as it were from GreenBeard himself:

    It seems that politics be once more takin' over t'board. When thin's be discussed properly it's not a problem but alas, it seems some can't help but start throwin' insults and labels around. I keep readin' about "you port win' communist lovin' liberals" and "starboard win' facists" and really, it's gettin' very tiresome. Can I suggest we tone it down PLEASE Think before you post and don't be surprised if you include insults in your post that it will just be deleted."

    Also, unless you be interested in havin' a discussion and hearin' opposin' pointso'view without gettin' all pissy about it then don't post ! This isn't a big soapbox for peoplet'announce and shout their political opinion from. Finally, we decide what be and isn't appropriate on t'forum and have t'starboardt'edit or delete anythin' as we see fit. If somethin' be removed then it's done for a reason. If you want an explanation then ask for one and be patient."

    really don't think it be that big a deal - I have had topics locked and thin's deleted and I haven't made a big fuss about it even though I may have disagreed with t'decision. Lastly, I'm not goin't'put up with a strin'o'topics complainin' about thin's bein' deleted or locked. T'forum be run how we think it should be run and material that we feelt'be offensive or violatin' t'postoin' guidelines removed. Please refert't'termso'use. Thank you."

  • ashitaka

    LOLOL @ XJW.

    Very cool.


  • undercover

    "But I don't wanna be a pirate!"

  • drwtsn32
    Spanner said a bad bad word.


  • SpannerintheWorks
    Spanner, REREAD the first page of this thread. If you still don't get it pm me and I will try to help.

    Eviscerates Doc for laughing.


    I am being facetious, you know that, yeah? Spanner

  • drwtsn32
    I am being facetious, you know that, yeah?

    Sorry, but it's impossible to be fece-tious once you've been eviscerated!

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