Has The Internet REALLY Hurt Jehovah's Witnesses?

by minimus 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic

    Why not turn a negative question into a positive one? I would like to turn the question "Has The Internet REALLY Hurt Jehovah's Witnesses?" on it's head and say "has the internet REALLY helped Hurt x- Jehovah's Witnesses"

    What about those like me who spent ages thinking of returning, thinking it was still the "truth" and then got the internet. Those are the people the internet and in my case, this particular web site, has helped.

    Another side point... I was "witness" to dozens of bros and siss who would have never bought a PC go out and buy one for the single reason of the Watchtower CD ROM. I just thought it was nice of the society to encourage such vast computer expenditure (unusual for them to encourage spending any money) and then the Big Bang.

  • minimus

    I think that if a person is leaning toward going back to the organization AND they start reading what's posted on here and other internet sites, they just couldn't "go back to the vomit".

  • JT

    it will be opened up from just "annointed" to any jw who is faithful- thereby ruling out the need for the current position that jah ONLY WORKS THRU THE ANNOINTED-

  • minimus

    so that's how they'll redefine the faithful and discreet slave. This proves (if you're right) that the internet gives "new lite" before the Watchtower!

  • jws
    It only hurts them in the sense of convincing members who have started to fall away to be convinced that it is not the truth.

    That's not necessarily true. Somebody who is questioning may come here and (still associating with JWs) start to slip ideas into conversations or ask questions that may get others thinking. The info that person is going to talk about is better presented than if this guy were thinking out loud about his own doubts. He's going to have specific evidence to refer to and ask about. So, indirectly, the info out here can hurt them. And even if you have started to drift out, there's no guarantee you will leave. Friends and family could easily put pressure on you to return. The information and experiences out here can help prevent that. And you've also got to hand it to the wealth of information out here. Everyone has their different buttons. One person may stand by 1914 no matter what the contrary evidence, but then hear about the UN affiliations and he's gone. And like others have said, it's easier to run across this information for free on the web than to have to go search for it in a bookstore and purchase it. I think too, the internet helps us exJWs to be better organized. When somebody tries to push some JW doctrine down your throat, you're ready to defend it. You also have support to stand up to them. Some people cringe and back away from the JWs. And I think this was more the case 10, 20 years ago. People sat back and felt guilty that they were DFed or for questioning. Now, with this community of support, people can break free of that mental enslavement. And when get past wondering whether they made the right choice, they can stop cringing and help others out. It all takes a toll on them. I think there's a possibility that we've all imagined it to be more harmful than it is. For one, the JWs are supposed to stay off the internet. You have to be out there looking to find this stuff. But bottom line is more info is out there for people to find and that hurts them.

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally

    minimus, you have a valid point that not being identified here makes it easier to say exactly what you want with no repurcussions.

    jws, you say you have to be out there looking to find this info or it doesn't affect you. my point all along is that a person is likely on the way out anyway to look for answers on the net. anyone on the fence could go either way, most likely here as it offers the path of least resistance. a true witness has no need to look here as they are not questioning their faith.

    the net sure does offer a good place for exjws as this site shows. birds of a feather and all. but i doubt many are here because of learning anything on the net that they wouldn't have come to believe anyway.

    just my thoughts,


  • kgfreeperson

    So, Sal, what brings you here?

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally




  • kgfreeperson


  • Dansk

    Simon said:

    How many of 'us' were able to research about the WTS and leave, helped by the Internet?

    That's me for sure! Before the internet I wouldn't have bothered researching, but having the computer up in my bedroom helped me find all I wanted to in private. Now, just taking the numbers who hit this forum alone - 6000? Yes, the internet is definitely hurting the Borg - its cover is well and truly blown!


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