Why I never will never fully love or understand Jehovah

by berylblue 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brummie

    BTW sally, you are sweet, welcome aboard, good to have you here.


  • Strider-X-

    Im sorry you feel that way... Berl but I can truly say I feel close to god and love him because of life itself. It is true that he does have the right to set the standards of laws because he is the grand creator.True if God wasnt loving he would of just killed off all man GOOD & BAD. The fact that we are alive today and have a hope of everlasting life in a perfect world is showing his love. Please Pray to him and try to focus on the qualitys of him that are mentioned in the Bible. I have a great deal of love for him and others that is proof of why Im wriiting to you. Earnestly pray to him about your feelings deep inside you will find yourself and when you draw close to Jehovah he will definitely draw close to you. I had felt the exact same feelings that you had when was just becoming a teen. I hope to talk to you more on the matter but right now im extremely fatigued and think I need some sleep..


    ^_^ The Power of X

  • gumby


    I think gopher said some neat stuff????


  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Hi Rosemarie,

    Reading this post made me want to read one of your earlier posts. I feel your pain. In a few words, you described many of my own unresolved feelings. The witnesses say that we should pray incessantly, but I disagree. The feelings and the doubts that you express communicate well enough to me and I don't even know you. Surely our creator would understand your feelings better than I, but that would only be my assumption. While it may not serve you or benefit you, my heart goes out to you and I hope that whatever you are dealing with, is something that will pass.

    I believe in God despite the witnesses, but he will not heal my heart ... I will.

    When I look up at the stars, I will marvel at his magnificence. But my paths are my own and if he truly loves me, he will understand that. I will seek him with a better awareness than any witness ever had. My mind and heart is free of the spiritual corruption that exists among the witnesses; at least, that is what I want to believe. I wish you well ... for whatever that is worth to you. Please accept my best wishes.

  • Gopher

    Just my point of view -- don't get upset, these are honest:

    If God isn't loving would any of us be here?

    This isn't necessarily true. Some parents bring children into the world without loving or caring for them. Just because we exist, it doesn't HAVE to follow that it's because we're loved.

    Would anyone have a hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth?

    The majority of Bible-following groups don't believe in the "paradise earth" hope. They honestly believe that the Bible teaches all good people go to heaven. See, the Bible is open to many interpretations. It depends on what you're exposed to. Other people with other holy books have other hopes. It doesn't prove or disprove the existence of a loving God. All it proves is that people want to believe that there's more to life than our current short existence. Whether there is or not, nobody really knows for sure while they're alive on earth. It's an article of faith. I don't begrudge you the right to believe as you wish.

    The examples of destruction in the bible are pictures for us to understand the seriousness of His sovereignty.

    If God were serious about his sovereignty, what is he waiting for? If more people suffer and die needlessly at the hands of wicked people, does that make God more right? If he cared about suffering innocents, he would have already acted. The WT Society has for 130 years been proclaiming that God will act in behalf of his sovereignty "shortly". In 1925 they preached that millions then living would never die, just as an example.

    Also, God - if he was hoping to attract people on the basis of love rather than fear, wouldn't need to threaten his subjects with death for disobedience.

    We are all being warned of the impending destruction of this system and it's everyone's choice to obey God or turn our backs on Him and be destroyed.
    So a loving God will destroy 99.9% of humanity just because they didn't respond when someone came to their door with a magazine or book? Or because they never heard of Jehovah in the first place? Whatever happened to the God who loved mankind? God created people, and most people are good-hearted. To preach that the vast majority are on the verge of destruction goes against his loving nature in creating us in the first place. And this "impending destruction" has been preached by various Christian groups for centuries. No wonder it's such a hard sell.
  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally

    Thank you Rosemarie, Gopher and Brummie for the welcome!

    i only said what I did to you Rosemarie because you seem confused as to whether you want to know God or not. If you are trying to please people you are robbing yourself of your true identity. We should all be selfish enough to please ourselves first. With my belief in Jehovah, i can honestly say i am very pleased with myself. My belief isn't for everyone though. It's a personal choice we all have to make. I feel terrible when i read about so many turning away from Jehovah because to me it is the only way.

    Gopher, you make some good points and I'd never try to convince you otherwise.

    Brummie,if Rosemarie is this important to you, keep letting her know.

  • Brummie
    Brummie,if Rosemarie is this important to you, keep letting her know.

    Keep letting her know what? That she is free to think for herself? or should I let her know that she shouldnt think for herself?

    muwah :)


  • Satanus


    I don't know how much the people on this board affect you.

    Judging by my own experience of living w fear of abusers, or any other fears, sometimes we get tired of them. We put up w them without facing them for yrs and yrs. We back away from them, until one day, we refuse to be pushed any more. Then we face the thing head on, take what comes, cuz we can't live like that anymore.

    For many people, in this showdown, fearful bible god turns out to be nothing but a figment fueled by their imaginal powers. Cut him off, and pffft, nothing. Not to say that there isn't something like god. I'm not claiming that, i'm writing about facing fears. Fears should be challenged, imo.


  • berylblue


    I truly appreciate your loving, lovely post. And welcome. I am so privileged that your first post was in response to mine Thanks

  • berylblue
    have a great deal of love for him and others that is proof of why Im wriiting to you

    PS Strider: I have no doubt of the genuineness of your love Thank you.

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