Why I never will never fully love or understand Jehovah

by berylblue 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    What you're feeling is quite normal. You are finding your own way, and knowing your background, your anger at God is absolutely understandable. I submit that you must be true to yourself. If you are angry at God, tell him. I don't mean you have to believe, but try saying the words out loud as if God were sitting in the room with you. You might be surprised at what you say or feel.

    Personally I still believe in God. Either way, to believe or not, is a choice, and that choice is part of what defines who we are. When I die, I will find out and then I will finally know what millions of others now know. Until then all I can do is my best with the tools I have. And so it is with you Beryl. And I think you're doing just fine.

    sweet sally said:

    The WTS didn't do any of the things you've mentioned. You may think so but that doesn't make it so.

    Indeed. 7 elders, 3 circuit overseers and one district overseer told me that I must have two eyewitnesses for each of my rapists. When I presented two witnesses for my ministerial servant father (his mother and sister in law) I was told that wasn't good enough. It seems that in addition, those two eyewitnesses should both be baptized Jehovah's Witnesses preferably in good standing (otherwise one might doubt their credibility).

    Now if I didn't have this level of "proof", I was ordered to stop talking about the incest and sexual abuse suffered at the hands of my parents and grandfather, or I would be disfellowshipped for slander.

    I don't think so. I've got a box in my closet with notes, letters and tapes proving it. What's more, I am not the only person this happened to. I know of 4 others just in my area that the exact same thing happened.

    Now if Jehovah's Witnesses works for you, fine. I won't sit in judgment. But please do not tell me the WTS is all that and a bag of chips. They're not. This policy in particular is not just wrong, it is evil. It protects the most evil at the expense of the most innocent. It separates families, hurts children and serves only to sweep the dirt under the rug. The God I was taught about would find this repugnant.

  • berylblue

    ((Big Tex))

    Love you all. Thanks so much.

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    I agree babe, its hard if not impossible to love anything or anyones kids included if your sure they will kill you and forget you in rage of wrath. Yeah Yeah, I know but Gods wrath is rightious, learning about God has some how perverted my concept of what is good. There is so much "spin" on how God thinks according to the bible and Jehovah's Witness's. Basicly he seems to be a very confused God. And its sad.

  • berylblue
    I have a sure hope that Jehovah will remember my good deeds
    I guess you and I and everyone will be in the paradise, because if Jehovah will remember your good deeds, he surley will remember everyone else's

    Thank you, Micheal. Very well said.

    We all KNOW that those Witnesses who haven't done a damned thing to help anyone, claiming that their preaching work is the ultimate expression of love, will be spared. Had Mother Theresa lived until the end of this system, she'd be bird food.

    And yes, Michael. Why they bother "beating around the bush" still astounds me since anyone who picks up a Watchtower is privy to the "truth" about who will die and who will live.

  • berylblue
    Basicly he seems to be a very confused God. And its sad.

    To say the least, Singing Man. If I were that confused, my doctor would put me on Zyprexa.

    Maybe Jehovah needs a good shrink?

    And welcome.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Beryl, I find fault lies with the authors of the bible as God's word....they've attributed many things to God that are highly unlikely and some obviously blatant lies, even by their own admission....

    For example, consider the killing events surrounding the writing of the commandments in stone on Mt. Sinai....In Moses OWN words, he alleges that *GOD* was angry and wanted to slay the Isrealites for worshipping a carved image, but that he, Moses, reasoned with God and talked God out of his anger....THEN Moses says he, himself, proceeded to come down from the mountain (after allegedly having talked God out of being angry and killing the Isrealites) and *MOSES* then became angry with the Isrealites and orders them killed anyway, saying all the while that *GOD* ordered them to be slain......go figure

    God is not accurately to be found in a book.

    Frannie B

  • Navigator

    Basic problem with almost all religion-Belief in a power other than God.

    Second most basic problem-Belief in a God outside yourself.

    Third basic problem-Acceptance of the literal words of the bible. Saint Satan has it right. It is a very limited and myopic view of what God is.

    The WTBTS suffers from all three of these and as a result has really screwed up a lot of people's lives.

  • Sweet Sally
    Sweet Sally


    i've been away for the weekend. just caught up on the subject we were discussing. it seems since your original post that you have taken a stand against Jehovah even while saying you don't understand Him? on this site you have lots of company so i'll take it that your question was rhetorical. doesn't look like you are open for discussion so will take my leave. as for micheal saying if my good deeds will be remembered by Jehovah then everyone has a chance, how would you know? you know nothing about me. a bit lame of you, micheal. gopher, your thoughts of a decent discussion are obviously a pipe dream on this forum. brummie, you changed the subject to suit you and basicly avoided the original issue. i know you didn't post here, scubby, but get off the fence!

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan


    Fear of God - the BEGINNING of wisdom - back at the beginning - cast out by love.

    Faith in God - simply that He is good - honest to goodness good - better than you have ever known of - goodness like I never imagined, other than hope.

    Trust in God - faith / acceptance - like a child with a parent

    But it's not suprising that you don't understand that jehovah - it's just an imaginary beast that people give life to - another kind of god.

  • micheal

    Sally don't take this the wrong way, but, you honestly make no sense at all. You speak in circles. You have a really hard time understanding logic. Plus by your last post, you seem very closed minded. As regards what I said about good deeds. If Jehovah will remember yours, just as you said, then he will surely remember everyone else's. You really don't feel that you are that special, do you? That Jehovah will remember only yours or only 6 million others good deeds, do you? It would be hard to believe that anyone is that full of themselves.

    you know nothing about me. a bit lame of you, micheal.

    No I don't. But at least I am willing to be more reasonable to conclude that the world is filled with people that have and are doing very wonderful deeds either lesser or greater than you have.

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