Who Is Your Favorite U.S. President?

by Black Man 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    i'm a replublican, but my fav pres is JFK, mainly b/c i was so young and the country was so in love with him. And i live in Dallas, and remember so well the shame we felt at having this happen in our city. After JFK it would be Geroge W. Bush, b/c he has the courage to stand up for the ideals our country was founded on, and has put everything on the line to keep our country safe.When i hear him talk, i remember why i am proud to be an american. he still believes.

  • DakotaRed

    Jefferson Davis because he is the most misrepresented President, but lived by his principles.

  • wednesday

    MY hubby says Harry Truman, he was an honest man, and took responsibility for himself and said THE BUCK STOPS HERE.

    weds hubby

  • Mac

    Well, of course it was Hillary when Bill was in office!

    mac, of the I have to barf now class!

  • frenchbabyface

    Sorry didn't read before to not being influenced in any way, cause not US citizen and I wasn't leaving in this country

    But to me NO CONTEST : Bill CLINTON and HILLARY (together) in ECONOMY and as much PEACE as possible

    No matter what he did
    (Who cares even Hillary don't, the media hurted her for real in runing their mouths about wathever happens / they didn't even remember about JF Kennedy !!!)

    I'm just sorry that this kind of stuff can put a President down
    (did he kill anybody ? maybe ... who knows ... but they didn't talk about that ... SO ?)

  • smack

    I reckon Russell was tha man


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    While my favorite is GW Bush as I said earlier I must admit that Jimmy Carter is a class act. While the economy was in the toliet and getting worse under his time in office he has remained focused on doing what he feels is best. I know a lady who works for Homes for Habitat and she says he and his wife are fantastic people who give of themselves freely. She was riding in a limo with them once and her cell rang. She checked it and said, "sorry, it's my daughter, I'll call her later". Jimmy told her "no, answer her, might be important". Then he spoke on the cell with her daugher. He told her what a wonderful mom she has.

    Nice guy. Good guy.

  • teenyuck


  • Yerusalyim

    Hands down, G W Bush...he's got the courage of his convictions....He knows what apparently no other recent president has...we have to take the fight to the terrorists.

    Someone please explain to me why it is that Clinton gets the credit for the Economy that was made possible only by Ronald Reagan...I don't understand that. Between the targeted tax cuts...which greatly increased government revenues...because the economy grew...and the collapse of the Soviet Union...from the deficit he built up by making our nation's military strong again...it was Reagan that set up the growth that took place in the 90's...and Clinton claimed the glory for it...we're only now beginning to struggle out of the Economic Mess Clinton left behind...the recession...the over inflated economy...Enron and WorldCom, etc...Clinton.

    Jimmy Carter. Not going into history as the best of chief executives but he was REAL! Still is.

    Oh, My Goodness...Carter? To each their own.

    He sold us out on the Panama Canal...made us weak overseas...and did nothing but run the economy into the ground...he's a complete failure as an elder Statesman...setting up the agreement which allowed the North Koreans to receive aid from the US and still build it's nuclear weapons program...hey, but he was honest and the Habitat for Humanity stuff is cool...so I give him that.

    PLEASE no one else say Kennedy...that man, favored as he is by the public, was a dismal failure as president...with two exceptions.

    He knew that cutting taxes increases federal revenues...and he was firm with the Soviets over the Cuban Missle Crisis...but the Cuban Missle Crisis was his fault.

    He sold out the Cubans at the Bay of Pigs invasion...withdrawing air support for the invasion at the last minute...dooming it to failure...had he not done that...the Soviets wouldn't have had a chance to get into Cuba.

    Also, it was Johnny boy that really got us involved in Vietnam...Eisenhower had a few advisors over there...that role was increased by Kennedy as were the numbers of troops there...and he was quite the womanizer...though for some reason that doesn't seem to bother the women's groups...just like it didn't bother them that Clinton was a womanizer...but hear how they roar about Schwartzenneger because he's accused of being a womanizer before he married...they're yelling for his head...

    Clinton...dishonored the presidency...blew the economy handed to him...and Frenchy...he was for Peace you say????I suppose Bosnia, Kosovo, Somolia, Haiti, repeatedly bombing Iraq...and an aspirin factory in Sudan...and an empty terrorist training camp in Afghanistan...all that must have slipped your mind.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    All the presidents have made mistakes, but JFK would still win my vote, cause he got things done and rallied Americans to stand behind his leadership and the United States...

    Frannie B

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