F. i somehow become comatose and my JW family wheels my vegetable body into the KH three times a week
Young JW's, What would it take for you to come back?
by Spudinator 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A. Organizational Changes. The organization would have to make the following changes:
- Accept Evolution as a fact
- Accept that the bible is just the word of man
- There is no Satan or Universal Sovreignty issue
- There was no global flood, Tower of Babel, talking snakes, etc.
- Jesus was just a man, if he even existed at all
- The trumpet blasts in Revelation have nothing to do with the organization
- 1914 is just another date
- etc., etc., etc.
- Accept the fact that the existence of god or gods cannot be proven
- Stop requiring any sort of preaching and field service quota
- Stop requiring any sort of meeting attendance quota
- Stop shunning former members
- Abandon ridiculous rules and restrictions about dress and grooming and association
- Abandon harmful medical and dietary restrictions, including the use of blood
- Abandon silly chronologies
- Lighten up on human sexuality and marriage/divorce rules
- Consistently report child abuse to the authorities
- Get some cooler kingdom melodies
- Snacks after every meeting (which would be reduced in length of time)
- Encourage secular education
There's probably a lot more.
: What would it take for you to come back into the JW fold?
It could never happen, no matter what they do.
First, for enough changes to be made to even consider going back would mean that the new organization had very little to do with what JWs are today. Virtually all of the old Bethel personnel would have to be replaced, and so would the culture. Might as well just start fresh with a new religion.
Second, I no longer believe in God or the Bible. There'd be no point going back, no matter what.
what Stacy said E. lobotomy ( sings Ramones.....labotomy! labotomy! )
Maybe if Jehover came out of the sky and we could have a serious two way conversation.
District Overbeer
Let's try teaching what the bible really teaches, as opposed to what some men in Brooklyn think.
Why not stop the preaching work for 1 full year and concentrate the bible-toting, self-rightcheous people on what CHRISTIAN love is and what it entails.
That would be year one of 50 years of waking the heck up.
Let me know when you're done. I'm not making any splinter group...
Let's see:
1) NO Field Service.
2) NO Meetings.
3) NO Judgmental crap.
4) Don't bother me about any of it.
Must be something I'm forgetting; I could go with D, E or F, though.
Hmmm, looking at the Excel spreadsheet, I see that I have missed 7,212 Meetings!!! I haven't counted the FS I've missed.
Well, 2 out of 4 isn't bad: I guess I'm halfway back
Lift that silly ban on deviant (anything other than missionary position between married folks, I guess!) sex. Also, start referring to God as She at least as often as He. Quit harboring child molesters and beaters. Encourage people to try new things (yoga, martial arts, rap music) before condemning them. Quit telling folks to spend their one day off all week knocking on stranger's doors to try to convert them. Accept the inherent worth of all creatures-even women! Let people smoke, iffen they wanna.
But then, it wouldn't be the Society, then, would it?
E: Make me President of the WTBTS
Singing Man
They act like they have Gods direction, but nothing they say comes true. They make big puffing noises like they can perform all kinds of wonderful deeds in Gods name, but can't. Now I ask you who wants to put such trust in them when they lie. They call them selfs the "truth" tell me what is "truth" about them?