Former Brother , first apologies for taking so long to get back to you .
Right , I never said that either Catholics or Anglicans go knocking doors . I said they are closer to the truth than the WT . That statement is based on many factors . Just one being that they don't alter the Bible to suit their theology . I know John 1:1 is on your lips right now but that is a perfectly acceptable grammatical translation , which must be looked at in the light of the rest of scripture .
I am referring to the addition of words that are not in the original text , like putting the word " other " in where it shouldn't be , because the Bible as actually written doesn't agree with WT teaching . Also adding Jehovah in the New Testament arbitrarily , when even they admit it wasn't there in the first place .
Why do Christians have to go door to door to be the Truth ? . That was one special commission and there is no evidence that the Early Church followed that practice .
The reference in Acts 20:20 refers to teachers going to house groups to teach . Remember early Christians had no special buildings for meeting in , so house groups were the first churches .
As to the number of translations I notice that you pick on Catholics to compare to ! The fact is many interfaith agencies work to translate the Bible or portions of it into thousands of languages or dialects . I did get numbers for a discussion a while back . I cannot remember them at the moment , but they are easy to get . What I do remember is that the latest translation , at that point , was into Inuktitut , an Eskimo dialect ! .
However having typed all this I have to say that I don't really think that you want answers , your original question was perhaps more of a statement . maybe you have read all the replies with an open mind , but I suspect not , because of Watchtower conditioning .
Please don't take anything as a personal attack , as I said it's not meant to be .