Amazing post COntrOl3r.
What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother 475 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
what I have found is that there is no truth, just points of view. It's okay to live life admitting there are some things I will never know the answer to, or 'the truth' about. -
It's okay to live life admitting there are some things I will never know the answer to, or 'the truth' about.
International Business Times
What we do know is that Vatican Bank, officially titled the Institute for the Works of Religion, manages €5.9bn ($7.3bn, £4.64bn) of assets on behalf of its 17,400 customers. And it manages €700m of equity which it owns. Another titbit to emerge is that it keeps gold reserves worth over $20m with the US Federal Reserve.
1 Troy Ounce = $1,075.75
Values based upon Current spot gold price of: $1,075.75
the lies we are told are truley huge.
the lies we are told are truley huge.
That's a truth that we all can agree with
"Is evolution a viable option to creationism?"
It certainly does a much better job explaining the weirder shit found in nature... :smirk:
It certainly does a much better job explaining the weirder shit found in nature...
You never bought the: "God has humor" argument?
Who was it that said the Mormans are the next closest to the truth?
Yes I think this is probably true. No other religion fullfills Jesus command to preach to all the nations.
But the Mormons believe that they are decended from aliens and they will all be Gods over humans. I dont know about you, but it doesnt have the ring of truth to it in my eyes.
The truth from the JW org, does have the ring of truth to it.
So if not the Mormons, who else is nearer to the truth from the bible? There must be some other religion that ticks most of the boxes?
So if not the Mormons, who else is nearer to the truth from the bible? There must be some other religion that ticks most of the boxes?
One important thing to remember is that religons make their own boxes. The bible can be interpreted in many ways.
For example, the scripture:
not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
JWs interpret this as a command to come together at the meetings and worship.
But I could instead interpret it as encouragement to socialize with fellow believers.
Many of the boxes JWs say they "check" are based on their own interpretation. Another religious group might have other boxes that are based on their interpretation.
"We are the only religious group fulfilling the requirements that we made up"
"The ring of truth" is a very interesting concept. I believe that it has a direct link with how our brains interpret the world. If something surprises us or shocks us, we have a tendency to disbelieve or question it.
"descended from aliens, could that really be true??"
Since it does not fit our world view, we will automatically question its validity.
And it is the same thing with things that we do expect.
"I have a dog in my house" is much easier for you to accept at face value than "I have elephant in my house". And psychologically that could be called "the ring of truth". If you where brought up a mormon, their views would have the ring of truth and JWs would not. This is a bit oversimplified since your believes and world view aren't static but I hope you get the idea.
Something that fits into "your reality" (how YOU see the world, your worldview) will have the ring of truth and vice versa.
Hope this helps :)