I guess Acts 5, 29 contains the most oppressive statement ever to be unleashed on people who have no sense of self worth.
We are born free (as J.J. Rousseau said) but everywhere people are in chains. If you believe the Bible as words from God... your fate is sealed, you are a chained victim to the power of a priesthood.
Acty friend, it would do you a lot of good to get out of that slave mentality and learn that the Bible is a book of folk magic only made "sacred" by the Catholic Church in the fourth century.
Listen again to what you have asserted; there is no basis for it except in the imagination. The only information worth knowing and using is that which is measured, recorded and critically questioned.
There is overwhelming evidence that there was no flood, it did not and could not have happened. Likewise Eden bears all the hallmarks of myth. Why believe myth as if it were fact?
God is a concept which is not available to the five senses and therefore anything, yes anything, can be imagined to be God and what he does ...and don't the intermediaries between men and God know it! Think again please and base your thoughts on evidence in future. The Bible is literature, not evidence.
Climate change incidentally is the norm...it just doesn't happen at the human life-scale but the over geological time. It takes roughly 100,000 years to go from the peak of the ice-age episode to the inter-glacial temperature maximum (which we enjoy today) and back again with various temperature peaks and troughs in between. The temperature graph over the long period might be illustrated by the irregularities seen in the ebbing and flowing of a tide going in and out. This is science; not conjecture.