What is the alternative to JW?

by Formerbrother 475 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty
    Evolution does not contradict the foundation of this ministry. The two components - manuscripts which state the prophecy as the 1st, and the climate crisis - both clearly exist.

    There is no prophecy.

    Since there was no Eden, no perfection and no fall the manuscript is on a par with Harry Potter.

    Your "ministry" is predicated on the assertion that we cannot solve the climate crisis but must depend on the intervention of an invisible deity.

    This is foolish and dangerous.

  • Acts5v29
    Your "ministry" is predicated on the assertion that we cannot solve the climate crisis but must depend on the intervention of an invisible deity.

    Indeed it is - and thus far, the climate crisis is increasingly proving that to we cannot survive it.

    By the time we realise that we cannot manage, we will already have exceeded what is dangerous, regardless of this ministry - there is no danger in the ministry, which in no way ever encourages people to stop trying.

    The second part of the prophecy - that God can save us - will be shown at His intervention.

  • cofty

    Acts5 - I read your document in full.

    It is pure JW theology with a few tweaks. It is designed to appeal to uneducated people who still harbour JW angst. It is patronising and infantalising.

    Your unwillingness to give simple answers to simple questions is no different from the Watchtower.


    Is Jehovah real?.....Formerbrother

    The Name Jehovah,is a 13th Century Catholic Translation Mistake..

    The the Bible is word?


    If not whats the alternative?


  • Acts5v29

    The ministry is totally different from any religion - it makes no demands of belief, neither threatens nor promises heavenly rewards, and worshipJehovah.org is merely one minister of the ministry.

    I have answered pertinent questions, but sadly some questions - e.g. evolution - are not relevant to the ministry, as I have shown.

  • cofty
    Sadly some questions - e.g. evolution - are not relevant to the ministry, as I have shown.

    You are being dishonest. This is a hallmark of all wannabe religious leaders.

    Your theology is built on a belief in a literal Adam and Eve.

    From your 96 page book...

    When the first two humans were created they lived under Divine protection — what many know as the Garden of Eden. Everything was perfect: they had God’s help and advice, excellent health, and the whole earth as their inheritance.... God reminded them of His warning that they would not survive without Him. Then He let them go their own way in order that Adam’s descendents might learn through experience what he would not take as advice. ... This has been the whole theme of our existence — our learning that we need God in order to survive.

    There were no first humans. Homo sapiens evolved from non-human ancestors. As a species we have been around for more than 100,000 years. In all that time there has been no "divine protection". There was no perfection and no garden of Eden. Our ancestors struggled to survive. Most of them died of starvation, predation, disease and exposure.

    Reality matters.

  • Acts5v29

    The book explains the relevance of the ministry to those who have belief, since the Bible scripture is common to both our ministry and to their faith. That is why it is 80-90 pages, whereas the bare ministry could indeed have been explained in two or three pages. The book was designed to answer questions of believers who might wonder how the ministry compared to their beliefs and how it was not contradictory to the Bible.

    However, the ministry itself is based on the 1st prophecy - the scroll for which predates the climate crisis (irrefutable) - and the climate crisis (also irrefutable). These alone form the reason which can appeal to believer and non-believer alike - lacking reference to Christianity, Judaism or beliefs even in God.

    There is nothing dishonest in anything I have written here, in any replies, or in any description of what the ministry is.

    I wish you well.

  • cofty

    I can't work out if you are being obtuse or dishonest or a bit of both.

    Your book is unadulterated nonsense from beginning to end. It written for somebody with the comprehension skills of a 10 year old and seeks to exploit fear of the future in the same way that the Watchtower does.

    It is predicated on a literal Eden which did not exist. There is no prophecy in Gen 2 as you keep asserting.

    It is a creation myth of the pre-scientific world of nomads.

    Climate change is a real challenge that only science can resolve. Your fear-mongering and appeals to a magic sky-daddy who is going to appear at the last minute and fix it is risible.

  • cofty
    Acts 5 - Resorting to veiled threats by PM about people who opposed you in the past and who died is not an alternative to answering questions.

    You decided to promote your "ministry" in a public forum.

  • Acts5v29

    You understand very well that I made no threat, and the language of your response by PM should be beneath you.

    My PM was showing that a foolish pursuit does not end well, and that my attempts at averting them in the past only met with the very kind of response that you have given, and did not save the person who - intent on causing trouble - only made a bad name for themselves.

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