Sadly some questions - e.g. evolution - are not relevant to the ministry, as I have shown.
You are being dishonest. This is a hallmark of all wannabe religious leaders.
Your theology is built on a belief in a literal Adam and Eve.
From your 96 page book...
When the first two humans were created they lived under Divine protection — what many know as the Garden of Eden. Everything was perfect: they had God’s help and advice, excellent health, and the whole earth as their inheritance.... God reminded them of His warning that they would not survive without Him. Then He let them go their own way in order that Adam’s descendents might learn through experience what he would not take as advice. ... This has been the whole theme of our existence — our learning that we need God in order to survive.
There were no first humans. Homo sapiens evolved from non-human ancestors. As a species we have been around for more than 100,000 years. In all that time there has been no "divine protection". There was no perfection and no garden of Eden. Our ancestors struggled to survive. Most of them died of starvation, predation, disease and exposure.
Reality matters.