What're Yall Doin' for Turkey Day?

by Frannie Banannie 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    hmmmm? Football game? Sports of any kind? Big family gatherings? Gnoshing out? The Big Feast?

    Frannie B

  • tinkerbell82

    ahhh turkey day. a vegan's most dreaded day of the year.

    i'll probably just watch charlie brown like i have for the past 3 years in a row. last year i tried to make my own cranberry sauce, and i was very excited, and it turned out terrible, and i was very sad. no more cooking for tink.

  • Adam

    I'm sending PETA a few cooked turkeys with a note telling them what their names were.

  • tinkerbell82

    change of plans...i'm kicking adam's ass

    ;) j/k

  • Nosferatu

    I think you americans have yours before we canadians have ours. Apparenly, turkey day is going to be celebrated at my new apartment this year.

    I remember all the dreaded thanxgivings with my ex. Whine, bitch, cry, "my food tastes like shit", and then she'd sit there and pout. Wish I caught that on video so I could laugh at it now.

    ....however I did catch her burn the bottom of a brand new electric kettle on the stove element. I love that video!

  • Nosferatu

    Special thanxgiving to Microsoft for their Internet Explorer which has just posted my reply twice.

  • Swan

    Why? Are you inviting us Frannie?

  • Valis

    Hey Nosferatu...and you know Miscrosoft is giving thanks for user error and $35.00 an Hour Tech support calls...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • blondie

    Turkey with the in-laws; maybe the guys will watch football. My BIL wants to learn how to play chess. We might go to a local shelter and help dish out turkey.


  • iiz2cool

    On Canadian Turkeyday, in October, I may go camping for the long weekend. for US Turkeyday I'll come down to the US and party there.


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