I'm not sure if I'll jump feet first into this conversation or not, as I could spend a ton of time on it and still only come round to a few basic facts and maxims that inform my opinion even now:
People are just people, no matter what religion they're in, and that means whatever else I believe, I have to believe that elders are just people.
If the GB is the crankshaft, the elders are the pistons driving the combustion that is burning and shafting the individuals.
The system is fatally flawed, so if an elder is going to proactively be a good guy, he's going to have to buck the system. That means that conciously or sub-conciously, he's a rebel against the F&DS.
I had mostly bad experiences with elders, perhaps even only bad experiences with elders, in their official capacity (nothing good comes to mind right now anyway). Whether they were following orders to a T, or bending rules for their own expediency or stupidity, I always suffered spiritually (read: emotionally). It seems they never can do anything right... but then again, it's a fatally flawed system.
Ah.... what'dya say? I mean, thinking about this starts to bring up the old rage. They could do so much better, and they could get away with doing so much better. Just be freakin' human y'know. DONT put the suit on... just show up with a six-pack and talk to the brother about what's got him down. Tell the other elders to "stuff it, there's no reason not to wear a beard".... Admit you don't know why sister-abused-as-a-child is promiscuous, but it sure isn't because she's wicked, and hey, just maybe those tears really are genuine (humanity hint for elders, *most tears are genuine * most people don't like crying in front of people * ) They (elders) could get away with it, if they'd just be men first, and sheep * second. No one wants to take that first step into manhood, that's the problem. I've said it before, to be a JW elder is to be systematically castrated, slowly but surely. The only exceptions are the men who resist, either conciously or subconciously.
*That's the trouble with analogies; I really think it was a mistake for Jesus to use that bone headed illustration about sheep.
But why does this subject bring up a rage in me? Cuz I'm a loose canon, lol? No, I did quite good at seeing them as human, and giving them leeway as a witness. I tell you, I've done better than most ex-jws, imo, as I was leaving, to let go of anger at the elders and for that matter everyone in the org. My rage comes up, mostly from the feelings I felt while still in, as a believer, and from the injustices perpetrated by elders on so many occasions. It always seemed to be the org above the individual, even when no rules would have been broken to care for the individual! Almost as if there is an unwritten rule to screw the person in order to make an example to the congregation.
and I am sure that I am not unique in my field of aquaintances.From what I've seen Hillary, you are very unique in your field of aquaintances. You've run with the movers and shakers in the org, and with celebrities outside the org. That is a very unusual perspective to be aproaching this discussion. I'm not saying I disagree with your points, ( I haven't even read this thread from the beginning yet) but I do reckon that you must have to get far outside of your own experience to give this topic due respect.