They are running out of people to do their stuff.

by liam 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Phizzy

    In a chat I had the other day with one of my sons, he told me he went for a drink with two old J.W friends, one lad is out completely, and his lovely wife was never a J.W. The other lad is sort of physically in, as he runs a business with some J.W's in, so goes along to "keep up appearances".

    He told my son of all the ones who were around their age that have left, and of the many that are PIMO, who just show up at a Meeting about once a Month !

    No wonder they are running out of people to do all the actual boring tasks, that are beneath Elders to do.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    They're talking about this over on the exJW Reddit thread. LoL.

    On how the Borg never saw the internet age coming. And how this really " effed - up " the GB's agenda to control & isolate its members.

    They never saw this coming..

    This was related on Ricks show SixSreens one time too.


  • Vidiot
    Beth - “…the Borg never saw the internet age coming…”

    The Borg never saw the 21st Century coming.

    They’re struggling to adapt to an environment they never even imagined would exist, let alone have to survive in.

  • hoser

    Sears, Kodak, Canada Post, Watchtower Bible and tract society.

    All failed corporations that not only failed to see the future, but actually demonized it.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Yes. We see the Borg trying to reinvent itself. For a time which it never saw coming.

  • Vidiot

    We’re seeing the Borg trying to project the appearance of reinventing itself.

    Not quite the same thing.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Its all about appearances isn't it?

  • NotFormer

    "We’re seeing the Borg trying to project the appearance of reinventing itself."

    "Not quite the same thing."

    Amen. When they start dismantling the HLCs, I'll believe that they are genuinely interested in reform.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    What the Borg does. Its not about benefitting you,,, its in their best interest..


    Until we see them dismantling abusive, harmful policies,, then I'll believe they're interested in reform!!

  • Journeyman
    So Patrick... got upset before his early 20's, fixed his attitude and then became an elder? How brat do you have to be, to be upset in your early 20 to feel you were overlooked for the elder position?

    Agreed. Not a sign of a well-balanced personality. And increasing the pressure for such desire among young men is only going to make that worse in the kind of youths who allow it to influence them.

    As I've said on other threads about this, I think it's a recipe for future disaster to keep promoting immature and inexperienced young men into these roles, especially as times are so difficult for married couples, divorcees and widow/ers, families with young children, retired people facing health problems and so many other groups that these young single men will not be able to relate to. Not only that, these young men have only a basic grasp on their own 'spirituality', so could be easily knocked off course by pressure, disappointments or the stress of the workload. And with fewer stable older men around them to give the benefit of their experience either, the whole thing is a ticking time bomb.

    But it's a situation of their own making. As mentioned on another thread about elders promoting younger men, they've had at least a couple of decades to improve how they train and bring onboard younger men, but most COs and bodies of elders have failed to do so because they either didn't want to have younger ones challenging them, or they were unreasonably strict about the 'standards' they expected and felt these men were not ready, even as they grew into their 30s or even 40s.

    The org's fixation with details like having too few hours in field service, not being a 'go-getter' obsessed with pioneering or Bethel, not having the best speaking voice or maybe dressing a little untidily (or - shock, horror - having a beard) meant many brothers were ignored until they eventually got disillusioned and either left the JWs or at least took a back seat and got on with the rest of their life - marriage, career, etc. And who can blame them?

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