They are running out of people to do their stuff.

by liam 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NotFormer

    Patrick's one of the new class of up and coming go-getters! 🙄

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    They dont know what they're talking about.

  • iloowy.goowy

    I think Patrick would do better to follow Kevin's example and then tell the 0rg where to stick it's secret elders book.

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    They are really going to the crap when even young men will not reach out...makes me laugh.

  • NotFormer

    The last two times they came to our door it was two young blokes. I don't know if that has any bearing on or relation to the above discussion.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    They recently stopped females doing micro and sound giving the jobs to young boys who aren’t tall enough to see over peoples heads sitting down.

  • SydBarrett

    Have you hit a rough patch and feeling discouraged after 30 years of marriage and 2 children? Go see your new age 20 elder for spiritual council.

  • TonusOH

    If people are leaving when they are young (especially the born-ins), then it's no surprise that they are doing this. Rope them in early with a position of authority and let them get a taste of power. Sadly, that doesn't make for a good elder or ministerial servant. But it probably keeps them in a little bit longer.

    Now they just have to figure out how to offer something similar for women...

  • Rivergang
    Didn't they do the same after the fallback of 1975? Appoint elders early when old timers realised the gig was up?

    There were instances of that when the "elder arrangement" was first implemented. Amongst the first group of elders to ever be appointed in our district (which happened during September-October 1972), there was one who was only 19, and at least one other who had attained the mature age of 21!

    As far as I can recall, though, these were "one-off" situations. By the mid to late 1970s, they made a particular point of only appointing those who were in their late-20s or older. (And used to look down their noses at the LDS "Elders", most of whom were barely in their twenties).

  • truthlover123

    several years ago, and I believe its in the SFOG book, a newly baptized male, with good "qualifications" i.e. service, hall cleaning, volunteering- can work hard and become a ms, and within 1 year, an elder! Now isn't that great! A 20,21 y.o. giving advice to a life long person/ publisher, ( not a member anymore remember), in the congregation and that new mini elder is not qualified to give spiritual or emotional, or mental advice to anyone! This is the same crap they want women to believe that even if a male "child" of 15, 16, 17 is newly baptized, he has more authority in a car group or group of sisters just because he is a male. Sure, give him the territory card so he can direct the work. I can just see the older elders patting him on the back, giving him encouragement but not helping the older sister who lives alone, sitting in the back row, or the older brother needing some help around his house. Oh the love.


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