What will happen to humankind? (serious)

by ScoobySnax 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    I want to ask a deep question here, only because I want to know your answer....

    I was listening to my mum and dad tonight watching a programme on the Discovery channel about how in so many million years the sun will implode or explode and destroy all life in our solar system and beyond. My Dad was fascinated and was arguing with my mum who said it's rubbish because that isn't Jehovah's purpose for the Earth. Later I was thinking. even before that happens, and even if you don't believe the JW faith anymore, would mankind really be around much longer, left to their own devices anyway? Currently we're only here for 80 years average max, we watch programmes like StarTrek and dream about travelling across light years to distant galaxies in 2543 or something.......(you get my drift) Even if there was no Bible, Jehovah, Armageddon New System etc, I still don't think we'd ever get that far into the future.....

    I'm waffling, but do you get my drift? How long will Mankind, in your estemation, be here?

  • Yerusalyim

    God only knows.

    Look, dinosaurs were the dominant life on the planet for millions of years. We'll most likely be here five thousand years from now.

  • ScoobySnax

    Yeru.... Good point, but I was thinking from the way mankind behaves at this time......mankind seems hell bent on war persecution and destruction, rather than getting along together, you've only got to watch the evening news headlines to see that.......maybe the dinosaurs were more intelligent than we are? sort of "evolution in reverse" !! Or maybe I'm just being pessemistic......I don't know.

  • IronGland
    maybe the dinosaurs were more intelligent than we are?

    Parakeets don't have wars either. Does that mean parakeets are smarter than we are?

  • Elsewhere

    Anything that has a beginning has an ending... it would be arrogant on our part to assume that humans will persist forever.

  • ScoobySnax

    well no IronGland, you're right Parakeets don't have wars, but then failing an Alfred Hitchcock like nightmare, I wouldn't expect Parakeets to bring about the premature demise of humankind, would you? On the other hand, humans are perfectly capable of this. No?

  • IronGland

    Premature by who's timetable?

  • ScoobySnax

    Elsewhere.... When out on the doors, I was asked how I could believe God has always been there, "He must have had a beggining" I used to rationalise that one by asking someone when time began, and when the tick tock of time will end, its an impossible question with an impossible answer, because human minds can only think of begginings and ends....no further. Maybe thats we find "endings" so difficult to grasp, something inside tells us its not right.....

    But I divulge...... how long would mankind go on, left to his own devices?

  • ScoobySnax

    by your Parakeets Irongland....

  • Satanus

    I think that there is no one driving the bus. It just goes randomly, for the most part. Since the universe in this area is not very dangerous, the earth will likely last for millions of yrs.

    Humans have always been agressive and warlike. We are going in the direction of being less so. While there will always be a few egomaniacal trouble makers (think any of the main world leaders), the masses seem to be elevating. This excludes africa, which will remain a basket case for many yrs. So, i would say that humans will likely continue for many thousands of yrs, as they have.

    There could always be a catastrophic event of natural origins: super volcano (yellowstone), asteroid hit, cosmic dust cloud obstructing the sun. However, some humans would likely suvive all of these, as we are quite resouceful.


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