I still love that billboard I saw on the Gardiner Expressway westbound below Parkdale.
It had a picture of a water facet, and out of it, poured dirty water. "Dirty Water: Your Tax Cuts At Work"
Thinking back to May 2000 - when one of the worst catastrophes in modern Ontario history took place: The Walkerton Water Tragedy. Yes, people died, and thousands became very ill. Water inspectors, where are you? or did they privatize that too?
What else: hmm....cut back to health care, I mean...if you're going to give folks those big hefty tax cuts, you got to take the money from somewhere to fill the holes. This is no new strategy.
I think to some of the sad cases of people dying when ERs were closed, after cuts were made to our provincial health care system. One horrible case: Joshua Flewelling (asthma case), and a 5 yr. old boy from Mississauga (name I cannot recall). These were not the only cases, but these ones certainly made the news. Tax cuts at work, indeed.
The blackoutof August 14th - hmm, can't forget that one now, can we?.....and Ontario's nuclear power stations are.....just recently, once again...off-line.
Bad Meat: no hamburgers for me thanx (Alymer meat-packing). Provincial government meat inspectors? where are you, or have they privatized that too?
Crowded classrooms/ underfunded school boards. **The Private School Tax Credit, WTF? Rich schools and their students....um....(this money) which was taken out of where? the public/Catholic board systems? Shame.
Even former Premier Bill Davis had some harsh words about what he saw. Afterall, even under his reign as premier, he valued education and made sure the children of Ontario at that time, could gain an education. Bill Davis, is a Tory, but he had heart.
Those marginalized in our society, took a hard hit.
I'd like to think in this day and age, we are living in a caring society not one based on 'tax cuts'; which really only benefit the top 10% $ (the wealthiest Ontarians).
Tax cuts? I'm working, and I haven't seen them. Still waiting. Paying taxes too, don't mind...but where is my money going?
I have seen things deteriorate in my opinion since 1995.
And we still have a deficit. (I see a metaphor in this)
Anyways, despite political differences and agreeing to disagree: if you live in Ontario, and you are eligible to vote: Today, October 2cnd, is the day.
Exercise your democratic right.
**Check this link out too: http://publicpower.ca/ (Talesin, that's the ON. NDP site)