
by Englishman 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • nilfun

    just been reminded of a Mellencamp song:

    "Ain't that America

    You and me

    Ain't that America

    Somethin to see

    Ain't that America

    Home of the free

    Little pink houses for you and me"

  • Valis

    Um Big your mouth son...I may not let you back into Dallas! And that goes for all you other Apostates that don't live within the county line! *LOL* Funny thing is we can blame a lot of it on technology...If we didn't have the Internet and forums like this, for the most part we would be blissfully ignorant of other's views, especially people who don't live "in the county line" as it were. Except of course what we see on TV and this idea in itself is a very dangerous thing. I would rather be able to gather intelligence on the real wackos like Al Queda, KKK, and other hate groups that choose to use public ways of communication than not.


    District Overbeer

  • Flowerpetal

    One reason why Americans think their country is better than anybody else's is because they have been indoctrinated to believe "God shed his Grace on thee" as in the song,


    Oh beautiful for spacious skies

    For amber waves of grain

    For purple mountains majesty,

    Above the fruited plain.

    America, America,

    God shed his grace on thee,

    And crowned thy good

    With brotherhood

    From sea to shining sea.

  • stillajwexelder

    talesin said This remark was very insulting to the peoples of Europe,

    possibly -- but does not stop it being true -- you are right about the Dutch by the way -- a courageous people -- but only the Brits really stood up to Hitler on the western front - -and if it were not for the battle of Britain -- the Normandy invasion would not have had a platform to launch -- and then we must never forget the Russians - especially in Stalingrad --

  • Panda

    And don't forget the other verses to that song: Oh beautiful for patriots dreams ... etc.

    Whenever a person disagrees with an action taken by the American government because they would disagree with that action no matter who did it, is first of all ill informed and second a tunnel visionary. There are always exceptions. The natural way for anyone anywhere to react when deciding foreign policy is think first what will this do for my country? Is education good for my country? Are rights of women and children good for my country? Sure. So Do other nations view this as predominant and somehow hegemonic, rather than altruistic? What if they do? They are only looking out for their own interests.

    As a Bright/humanist I say that the Global community will eventually have a say in the prosperity of all people. I believe human beings are full of the right stuff to allow everyone to embrace freedom. In the mean time someone needs to set the path of responsibility. Like the good samaritan. A global good samaritan law would be terrific.

    So anti-American would be someone who would actually impede American interests. Kind of like Jimmy Carter when he said he commited adultery in his heart but not w/ his body. Did he actually commit adultery? I'd like an EU person to answer that.


  • Simon

    I think one of the things that many object to is not so much America persuing it's own interests as long as it does it on it's own soil, it's when persuing those interests negatively impacts so many other people and the attitude often comes across as "screw you, we're ok" on a global scale.

    If anyone thinks that kind of behaviour and attitude is not going to cause bad feeling then I think they are naive.

  • plmkrzy

    "ya for you and me ....oohya!"

    Love those old john couger songs!

  • plmkrzy
    and the attitude often comes across as "screw you, we're ok" on a global scale

    As someone who actually "lives" in America, I have never noticed such an attitude and most certainly not on a global scale.

  • Bendrr

    I'm coming in a little late on this thread unfortunately. (what else is new?)

    Anti-Americanism. Hmmm.

    Criticizing the United States isn't anti-Americanism. Criticism is as American as you can get, so welcome to all you Brits and Aussies and everyone else. There's an old saying here, "I may not agree with what you have to say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".

    What is Anti-Americanism is when some jackass hates the U.S.A. so much that he sends some of his followers to our shores to hijack airliners and fly them into skyscrapers. Or they bomb our ships. Or they bomb our embassies. When innocent Americans are killed simply because they are Americans my friends, that is anti-Americanism.


  • Swickley
    Simon..... dubla..... you two behave or I'm going to lock this thread. I wish the both of you would read the posting guidelines

    Oh god, its the freakin forum policewoman again...

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