How many of you believe in the Adam and Eve story?
How many of you believe the bible explanation as to ...why we are suffering and dying?
To begin with, the legend of
Identifying Adam with the Egyptian Atum, , there is even a scene on a coffin, which is similar to the history of Adam in, where a naked man, is standing before a serpent with two legs and two arms, and the reptile is offering him a red fruit, or at least a little round object painted red.................hmmmmmmm!
The same scene is again found on the tomb of Rameses VI. and on a statue, that the serpent, as Tempter, is offering the round object, or fruit of the tree.......hmmmmmm!
The Tree of life and knowledge also was well known in .
These and other proofs were pre-existant in , and had been carried out over the world untold ages before a Jew had ever trod the earth, yet many people have the balls to declare that the Hebrew account of creation has no Egyptian roots!
In the Eygyptian?.? Book of the Dead?, the speaker says, "I know the mystery of the Woman who was made from the " Is it a coincidence the pagan Egyptians would believe the same things that many believe is true today in the bible story regarding a womans beggining?
Horus is the Son and Seed of Isis. Sometimes he is portrayed as bruiser of the Serpent's head;
If a person would do a little re-search on writings and carving/paitings.....of civilizations older than the Jews and their writings (such as the bible), perhaps we would reconsider WHAT is truth , and could eliminate many things we do not understand........ as being factual.