aborting all the baby girls

by plmkrzy 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seawolf

    I remember watching an article on acid being thrown on women in India on ummm I think it was 48 Hours?? (CBS) maybe 3 years ago or so. Had a story on a woman that got acid thrown all over her face and was coming to Cincinnati for surgery. I googled and found several recent BBC articles:

    Bangladesh protest against acid attacks
    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1861157.stm Bangladesh cracks down on acid attacks
    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/1801440.stm Bangladesh acid attacks soar http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/1791513.stm

  • Xandria

    In China there are feeling the shortage of females. In certain remote tribes.. intermarriage between cousins are happening. There have been reports of one woman being wife to two men. Genetic mutations are accuring too due to the close relations.

    National Geo did a story on it a while ago. I just can't remember the date. I also know that bride sellers are very big in China. They go to places as far as, Thailand to find women. Some women have even been drugged and sold.


  • sens

    truly messed up...

  • Gopher

    These practices are just horrible! I had thought of India as a rather progressive society. Maybe it isn't.

    It all centers on old biblical beliefs/having a dowry and GREED.

    Although there may be some similiarity to the patriarchal Hebrew dowry, remember that the primary religion of India is HINDU and not Christian. I don't think we can pin this practice of aborting girls on the Bible.

    pretty soon their will only be a few single JW females to choose from.

    I believe abortion is a disfellowshipping offense among JW's. Not knowing the culture of the JW's in India, it's hard to say whether this practice goes on in secret and if so, how many times the elders would "look the other way".

    Of course this problem of "only a few single JW females" would make India quite opposite from every other nation on earth that has more than one adult JW.

    How many JWs are there in India?

    Because of the strong Hindu background there, only a few thousand JW's exist in this land of about one billion people. American cultural influence is not strong, and so very little paves the way for the JW's there.
  • Dimples

    How horrible! Just plain sick!!


  • plmkrzy
    Although there may be some similiarity to the patriarchal Hebrew dowry, remember that the primary religion of India is HINDU and not Christian. I don't think we can pin this practice of aborting girls on the Bible

    How many Christians were there in biblical times gopher?

    Sorry gopher I didn't mean to confuse you. If I am trying to "pin" this on anything I would pin it on the purest form of sub-human ignorance that was obviously developed over centuries apon centuries by religious finatics.

    I am aware they are mostly non-christian. I shouldn't have used the term "biblical" to discribe a period of time, It just seemed to "fit"



    After reading the cnn article

    It is interesting to read that even since the rise of women in the political arena, still nothing is being done about it. It appears that the women in so called power either don't give a rats ars about the poor women being burned since it doesn't effect them anyway, or they perhaps don't do anything in order to "keep" the positions they have. Either way they suck.

  • LittleToe

    The dowry thing has little to do with religion or any Holy Book (far less the bible, as there appears to be no disproportionate abortion practice in Israel). It seems to be pre-historic.

    As for the acid attacks, they truly are gutwrenching.
    The spousal burnings, are gruesome, too.

    As I understand it, it's only the latter practice (of burning the extant wife) that has any foundation in the religion of that region. All the other preactises appear to be custom and general inhumanity.

  • plmkrzy

    I found this link looking for the origin of Dahej and came accross this. It is pretty interesting to read. Even though most information from anywhere is speculation, there is quite a lot of info to take into consideration.


    Dahej or Hunda - Dowry and Bride-Price:

    (This is just a small insert from the bottom of the page that discusses the origin of)

    Note on Sati and Child-marriage

    Sati, Child-marriage, Ghunghat, etc were largely caused by the arbitrary tryannical rule of the Sultans of Delhi. The temperament of theseSultans was a result of socio-cultural reasons. They had imbibed these their tryannical traits alongwith their religion from the Arabs who display traits like fanaticism and short-temperedness in their extreme. The reasons why these traits should exist among those Arabs who originate from the Saudi Arabian Peninsula are to be found in their harsh natural environment.

    Saudi Arabia, the birth-place of Islam is devoid of fertile plains and river valleys which are congenial to the development of a settled civilized life. This was responsible for the atrophy of residents of the Arabian peninsula into barbarism, and their exclusion from civilization. The same cannot be said of the people of Mesopotamia, Assyria and Egypt who today consider themselves to be Arabs but were the founders of great riparian civilizations of the ancient world. The absence of a civilized way of life among the Arabs (from the Arabian peninsula) nourished the fanatical attitude which later became a characteristic of Islamic thought and way of life.

    This attitude was transmitted to other people who were converted to Islam. Added to this was Islam's monotheistic character because of which Mohammedans regarded all other religions in exclusion from their own. This singularistic and exclusive character of monotheistic Islam precluded any possibility of assimilation into itself of other deities or forms of worship. And whenever it had the support or the force of arms, its fanatical and intolerant nature found brutal expression in the annihilative repression it unleashed whenever it came in contact with another religion or culture.

    Such was the cultural lineage of the Sultans of Delhi. It made itself evident in the forcible conversion of peoples of other faiths to Islam at the point of the sword, destruction of places of worship belonging to other faiths, the imposition of Jazia tax on non-muslims and other policies whose objective was to stamp out all other religions and to Islamize the country.

    Just one example of how things can get out of hand

  • stillajwexelder

    I do not want to go off thread -- but if all muslim males took four wives plus the combination of infanticide of females -- and muslims continue to grow -- logically in the end there will be a shortage of females --you know what will happen then? It's mostly like what happens in China. ------- This is causing a imbalanced male to female ratio and I think that within 10 or 20 years women are going to be scarce in China. ---- the facts may be wrong, but the idea is the same.

    --I will tell you -- there will be war --not over territory but over females --it is a primal instinct --- Gods standard of one woman - one man -- is quite sensible when you think about it (in the bible) -- and please I am not homophobic either -- I just ask you all to think about it.

    I predict not armageddon but WW3 in the next 20-30 years unless attitudes change quickly

  • rocketman


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