aborting all the baby girls

by plmkrzy 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waiting
    For ME (not necessarily YOU) it is tough to feel much sympathy for a culture that is taking away our jobs.

    As to the women torched for lack of bride money................

    Think about it.......the woman would have to be contained somehow - or else she'd run out of the house screaming, rolling on the ground, jumping in water. But somehow she dies near her cooking fire. Where are the people who lit her up as a human bonfire? Most likely watching and containing her.

    I feel NO sympathy for a culture that does this to women - I feel outrage. I feel extreme sympathy for the women.

    The jobs that are taken over by India persons (at least from what I've read) are more technical jobs, or jobs which the person speaks English (as in the phone reps we end up talking to). Those aren't the poor people of India, the farmers using acid to mutilate women.
    Reports of the women being killed regularily by torching and the acid dousings are generally poorer people - per the news reports.
  • plmkrzy

    What the women need is birth control.

    Put aside personal views on abortion pro or con and try to imagine being a poor woman in that country finding out you are pregnant and knowing your baby, if born a girl, has a good chance of living for 12 or 15 years only to be burned to death or doused with acid and thrown away like garbage. How do you make a choice?

  • SpunkyChick

    I am aware of this and it is appalling. My parents adopted three orphan girls from China. I was able to visit an orphange. It would break your heart to see those adorable faces rejected because they are girls. One of my sisters was abandoned in next to the toilets in a government building at 2 months old. It's still hard for me to imagine discarding human life like that. Another issue with India (and the middle east) is female circumcison (sp). Grrrrr that makes me furious.

  • jwbot

    FGM (female genital mutilation) oh boy...that makes my blood boiling too. I have to stop, I will get depressed.

  • berylblue

    Yes....this is getting too upsetting....I get physically sick reading it...

  • SheilaM
    Post 636 of 637 For ME (not necessarily YOU) it is tough to feel much sympathy for a culture that is taking away our jobs.

    Donkey: I feel very sorry for a human being that can not feel sympathy for another do to what YOU PERCEIVE as economic problem. That is sad and disturbing

  • plmkrzy

    It seems unbelievable that there are places where, not merely a few people but, entire cultures and communities of thousands exist capable of these things, especially this day and age. Just the idea that there are that many people on this planet that are perfectly comfortable being monsters is mind blowing.

  • donkey

    I feel very sorry for a human being that can not feel sympathy for another do to what YOU PERCEIVE as economic problem. That is sad and disturbing

    Donkey's are sad creatures...have you ever seen a happy donkey?

    No need to feel sad for me. You can feel sad that I would make a callous remark...but then you only have words on a discussion board to on. Allowing words from a stranger on a discussion board to affect your emotions is sad and disturbing. Why - because many words on a discussion board are not truly reflective of the individuals who type them. I can make you love me or hate me - if you let me - and that all depends on what I feel like typing into a computer on any given day.

    Either way take my remarks with a pinch of salt (in the emotional sense anyway)...I am not here to share my true emotions or to share of my true feelings. I learned the danger and futility of doing that here a while ago and I never intend to make that mistake again. So for the record: I am not here for you to get to know me and I am not interested in getting to know anyone else here either. I prefer to get to know people in person - yes some people are from this DB. I am here to deposit ideas (popular and unpopular) and to read other ideas.

    I realize others are here to share of themselves and their emotions - but some of us are not. The last time I looked the posting guidelines did not state that we had to express our innerselves - so until they do please don't hold me to that standard.


  • berylblue

    You made some good points, Donkey. Not everyone here is here to blurt out her life history and whine constantly about everything ranging from bad jobs to emotional distress (like me). I wouldn't go so far, however, as to say that one who allows herself to be hurt by strangers on a discussion forum is sad and disturbing. The thoughts of many here are important to me; these are my friends now (since I don't have any real life ones thanks to the WTS as well as my own stupidity) and what they write has genuine meaning and importance to me.

    Thanks Donkey, you made me think.


  • donkey


    Thanks for your reply - I will respond later today - when I have more time to write something sensible.


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