Words you invented, or said the wrong way

by JH 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Surreptitious

    I know what you mean JH. And probably more accurate too.

    PS You can call me Syrup if you want.

  • Aztec

    Syrup, I think it was "Love Shack"

    I use the word confuddled all the time.


  • Mulan

    I say "to-mar-lee" instead of tomorrow....................not all the time............goes back to when I was about 3 I think

    Our family also calls Soy Sauce, "bug juice'. I have no idea why. We call Parmesan cheese "soap", but I know why. Sometimes Dave calls it Tide.

    Many family members call me Melon instead of Marilyn, because one time when I was about 15 my cousin's fiancee said "pass the water Marilyn" and everyone said it sounded like Watermelon, so it stuck.

    I hate when people say nukular..gag!
    That is a HUGE pet peeve of mine..............George Bush does it...........but only every single time he says the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Mac

    Newkular sucks........how about when women are ministrating ? Well...I have to go groshery shopping now and may also purchase some forms to record satistics (as we say here in Indiana) on the prevalence of that usage...........good grief!!

    mac, grrrrrrrr class

  • Mulan

    We also call Ketchup............."Berts" Our eldest son called it that when he was 2, and it stuck. He called French Fries "Lates". So it was "Lates and Berts"

  • Mac

    Mulan...you will never hear me mentioning just how very strange your family is......promise............lol


  • Aztec

    Yeah people in Michigan go groshery shopping too! Usually at Meijer'S or Kroger'S even though there isn't an S on the end of either of their names..LOL!

    Mulan, you think after 3 years someone would have at least gotten him to pronounce it the correct way. Psst George it's nuclear.


  • Surreptitious

    Az, I know it was Love Shack. I was making another lame and failed attempt at humor! lol

    Mulan, Berts and Lates??? Where'd that come from? lol


  • Mulan
    Mulan, Berts and Lates??? Where'd that come from? lol

    The only explanation we ever came up with, was perhaps he thought it was Lay's Potato chips and Hunt's ketchup. Even that sounds far fetched. But he was only 2.

  • Surreptitious

    Mulan: That's great!

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