Syrup, use more smilies! It'll be easier to know if you're making a lame attempt at a joke or not.
by JH 45 Replies latest jw friends
Syrup, use more smilies! It'll be easier to know if you're making a lame attempt at a joke or not.
At an assembly in Houston many moons ago, my dad and I were talking about the size of the Astrodome and I wanted to know the circlefrence of the place. Hey now, I was only about 9 or so, go easy!
Preen Scrinting. Well that's just how it came out after inhaling the thinner fumes. My story, sticking to it.
Had a niece that used to say "O.E" for "write". Have no clue about that one but we all knew what 'I wanna O.E.' meant.
I hate when people say nukular..gag!That is a HUGE pet peeve of mine..............George Bush does it...........but only every single time he says the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bravo, Mulan! When he says "noo-kyu-ler", he sounds like Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel. You would think that the leader of this country would at least try to make an effort to sound edjumacated!
(PS) He probably says "foilage" instead of "foliage" to describe the autumn leaves, too!
Frisco Jim: Couldn't agree more.
Az: I've been trying to stay away from smilies hoping that the lost art of writing without them would work...but alas, apparently we need them these days.
Words that are often mispronounced but not by me----menstruation----often pronounced menustration......surprise----not su-prize.......radiator-----not rad e ater......chic is pronounced like sheek......the book of Revelation not Revelations......
I love the word "decievious" a combination of deceitful & devious. It describes the dubs perfectly.
bob wire | barbed wire |
Calvary | cavalry |
card shark | cardsharp |
duck tape | duct tape |
Klu Klux Klan | Ku Klux Klan |
sherbert | sherbet |
how about EXP RESSO??
urrr yeah im gonna take the Express train to get an Expresso!!
Doodle, LOL! I actually got into a fight with a coworker of mine because he insisted on calling it expresso. I said "what is that? Fast coffee?" To this day, although he's one of my best friends, he knows that calling espresso expresso is gonna piss me off. I also get nuts about people calling libraries libaries. Ugh! I know I make plenty of grammatical errors but at least not the more egregious ones...LOL!
Klu Klux Klan Ku Klux Klan
Now wait a minute !!
Isn't that supposed to be...... Ku Klux Klan.....and OLLIE ???