Low Meeting Attendance Means Wrongdoing!

by Englishman 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    I knew this sister that worked in a nursing home... she quit because there was "religious people everywhere", and her meetings were harder to get to... she thought that jehovers spirit was not getting through to her....

    She just didn't like the work. What a dork.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yeah Elsewhere,

    And you know that El Nino? Well, they sacrificed young men to ward off the flooding that would ruin their crops. That would work a few years and they'd get lax on the sacrifices and then here old El Nino would come around again washing away the crops and the babies, grannies, etc.

    You lost your job, your whole family has had strepthroat for a year, your house is on the auction block, you're all depressed. The folks down at the kingdom hall are shunning you and your kids. You must have lost Jah's spirit. Say, doesn't your mother practice astrology? Didn't you get a bunch of presents from her? That's it! You have demons in your home affecting your family. You better clean all that stuff out. You clean it all out....get rid of everything. You still have the problems. Woops, it wasn't your mother's gifts afterall. Okay, what superstitious thing can we blame your problems on now? Meanwhile, stay the heck away from us and our children lest your bad luck rub off on us. Far away!

    Hey, I think I just realized why you get shunned when you are still good JWs but have a lot of misfortune. They don't want your bad luck to rub off on them lest they lose Jah's spirit and protection and become demonized, too.

    Was that an epiphany I just experienced? Me thinks it was. Eureka!

    Heather S.

  • Badger
    Yup! When the crops are bad ya gotta make a human sacrafice to please to gawds!

    How true, Else. My home congregation is woefully sick and attendance is bottoming out. They've had to ask for help from a nearby cong. just to pay the basic bills. attendance is lowest it's been in years and lots of longtime brothers and sisters are dropping out. It's a purge, all right...and like Stalin's purge, they're losing their best and brightest.

  • Odrade

    Well, they do have scriptural precedent for believing that one bad egg causes god to reject everyone.

    Remember Achan stole about $7000 worth of clothes and coins? So the next battle the Israelites went to fight, the men of A'i killed 36 of them because Jehovah withheld his spirit.

    So it's not unreasonable to believe that Jehovah would withhold his spirit from the Christian congregation if there is a concealed act of fornication.....

    If you believe in that sort of thing. 36 killed for some clothes and a gold bar. yeah, that's fair.


  • Swan


    Was that before or after Jehovah killed them with serpents because they they looked away from the snake idols they were worshiping in the camp?


  • starfish422

    I remember one congregation nearby that had set up in a converted former church, until they had enough money to build a real KH. My dad later on said that they never had any growth or progress "until they got out of that damn church building". LOL

  • Englishman

    There's an extension to this belief that things only go well when one is serving Jehovah correctly.

    My own Mother acually once told me that she felt that the reason that I didn't go "Back to the truth" was because I was very happy with my family life, and for that reason, she couldn't share my joy. Being happy was keeping me from returning, she thought.

    Her exasperation at my being happy mean't that she would often sneer at me: "You always land on your feet, so you stay away".


  • heathen

    Yeah all those excuses seem like a cheezee excuse to blame the followers , yet meanwhile the leaders are associating with the beast of revelation and defending pedofiles . They like to use that scripture " due to the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off".


    LOL @ Englishman!!! I long forgot about this!!!

    by younger folk, much bonking had taken place there, despite the tents being segregated according to gender. It was rumoured that over 100 DF'ings had taken place as a result of this, and THAT WAS WHY THE ATTENDANCE WAS DOWN! ... anyone else encounter this sort of thinking during their time in the dubs?

    Theoretically, I would think that if any boinking took place, it may result in a higher convention attendance!!!

    In all seriousness, though ... it is a belief of the dubs alright! I remember hearing many a talk to the effect that there were possible "secret" sins going on that were causing the numbers of publishers, meeting attendance, or service figures to drop! Congregation members were urged to come forward and speak with an elder about what they were doing to "grieve" Jah's Holy Spirit in this way. The flow of spirit was being obviously blocked and someone in the congregation had to step to the plate and accept responsibility blame!!!

    Wondering how many pedophiles stepped forward?

    Wondering how many elders protecting the pedophiles stepped forward?

    Somehow the elders and pedophiles were mysteriously absent from any findings!

    What is wrong with this picture ....? ... What a B*ll Sh*t religion!!!ROFLMAO


  • heathen

    Lmao with ESTEE. yeah , meanwhile some 13 yr. old kid wants to confess masturbation and how the deemonz made him do it .

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