CHEVY, I was thinking about you when I saw the news this morning.
Calif is one dangerous place - Earthquakes, Fires, Budget crisis, (past) Power crisis.
by flower 56 Replies latest jw friends
CHEVY, I was thinking about you when I saw the news this morning.
Calif is one dangerous place - Earthquakes, Fires, Budget crisis, (past) Power crisis.
I'm still home, waiting to hear if I should evacuate. I called Kristina (also an exjw who used to post here) and she is ready to go, too. I was concerned because she has asthma, but is taking medication and is doing fine with her a/c on.
Thank you Chevy, April, Biker and everyone for your kind words. I haven't posted here for ages and I'm glad to be reminded of the love here. You mean a lot to me.
Hope I can stay home. I'm amazed that things haven't been worse for me considering what other people are going through.
Love you,
Keep us posted, wind and news scares me.
OK so far, aside from the air quality being horrendous. You can't get away from the smell of burning wood. Most schools are closed. I have never seen anything like this in my life, and it is nowhere near being contained.
We have one person here at work who we have not heard from today at all who lives in an area that by all reports has been completely devastated, and one who is waiting for the evacuation order.
What area are you in Caligirl?
I have been working on re-financing a home for someone in Claremont. We got docs on Friday but I didnt get them signed because I had to leave and fight for my house.
Unfortunately we got word this afternoon that their home was completely destroyed.
I just found out that my grandmother and uncle's homes were lost. Also, several witness friends have lost their homes too. The last count of witnesses that have lost their homes is at 7(ones that I know personally). I'm sure a few more will trickle in as this rages on.
I wonder if the local bros have even thought about turning the Escondido assembly hall into a shelter yet, or any kh's for that matter. Probably not, as that would hinder the meetings causing too many distractions.
Wow Jourles!!! I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you.
Be safe guys.......... Geez...... help us all
Look at this satelite pictures
Jourles...I'm sorry. Caligirl...hope your co-worker is ok.
I was just watching MSNBC, and the pictures are horrible. Homes blazing. People crying. I had to stop. I hope everyone who is told to leave will do so immediately. Forget posessions. Just go.
Gosh the smoke was really bad. Yesterday (Sunday) all the cars turned up very dirty ... Downey and especially even Long Beach. Ashes everyhere. I was getting a headache from being outside. It had to affect the weather.
Just heard that the Alpine KH is probably going to get it. I looked at the recent evac areas and the 3000 block of Victoria is on it. That would in fact jive with what I heard from a local sister there.
Even though I don't live in SoCal anymore, it is incredible how many of my old friends are affected by this. Most of them live in East County and further out. One of my best friends growing up lost his house today too. Jeezus.
I don't know what I was thinking wanting to move back there. I must be out of my mind. Sure the weather is nice year-round, but this fire crap is worse than any other natural disaster. Perpetual drought conditions year over year. Santa Ana's. I will take blizzards, hail, or heavy rain over losing everything. Hell, even a tornado will let you go back and pick through the rubble. And it's not like you can hideout in your basement when a fire comes.
I hope everyone from CA on the board is safe and are able to keep their homes during this disaster. This hunter guy who started the ball rolling is gonna get clipped by someone.