cough %#%^%#
by flower 56 Replies latest jw friends
cough %#%^%#
Who/what can I call to know if my friend is allright, who lives in San Fernando Valley .. haven't heard from him yet. Help..
Blue Bubblegum Girl
Do you know where he works? Or a family member you can call?
Keep us posted..that is scary!
No, he lost his job a couple of weeks ago, and his family is JW, and he is ex... so no contact.
*getting worried*
Blue Bubblegum Girl
Viv, do you know what city exactly he lives in in the San Fernando Valley? I may be able to gie you an idea if he is in danger. I've spent alot of time there
Chevy, ack, I donnu, he moved north, don't know where exactly. Damn this, email and phone just isn't enough right now.
((( Hope everything will be ok ...)))
I live in San Diego, and it is so hard to breath. The air is thick with smoke, ash everywhere. Very earie watching the flames come down mountains at night. Looks like a war zone.
Even last night I had all the windows shut in my house, and you could still smell the smoke. During the day there is a weird orange glow to everything.
I am SO glad to be in sacramento right now. i feel terrible for my southern neighbors right now. if there's anything i can do, if anyone needs a care package or anything, please don't hesitate to PM me, i'll help in any way i can.
Does anyone know what it's like at Disneyland? My eldest son and his family are there this week.
Last I heard about DisneyLand was the poor visibility and air quality. They are safe from the fires as long as some nut doesn't set another fire.
Thanks, Plmkrzy!! I missed that on the other thread.