The pressure on such kids is enormous. And you're right, the WTS could in reality care less.
Elder Kid Behaviour An Issue? 22/10/2003 Awake!
by Stephanus 54 Replies latest jw friends
A Paduan
What seems to be a Bible spotted on lap of hottie sitting to the lef of the elders son....
She's also probably the only one thinking, "I'm almost old enough now to blow this popsicle stand".
How come the dorkie elders kids is already wearing his Elders Signet Ring? Does that mean he can already stamp his ring on disfellowshippig orders? Is and Elders Signet ring more powerful than a Phantom ring??? Nah!!!
lol you guys are too funny..
A Paduan
Regarding the picture, I would like to say that I always find it disturbing to see pictures of African-American jws. I can't help but wonder how self-righteous white bafoonery has promulgated murder, oppression and abuse for their people, for millenia, and now to top it off, they seek to enslave and convince them that God won't like them if they don't dress up in daft whiteman clothing, to hate upon the people that they do and kiss their blessed white asses for wisdom.
Regarding the picture, I would like to say that I always find it disturbing to see pictures of African-American jws. I can't help but wonder how self-righteous white bafoonery has promulgated murder, oppression and abuse for their people, for millenia, and now to top it off, they seek to enslave and convince them that God won't like them if they don't dress up in daft whiteman clothing, to hate upon the people that they do and kiss their blessed white asses for wisdom
Here's another pic of the elder's kid, standing in his father's shadow:
Forlorn though he looks, I still would have belted him one at school... LOL
Okay, so he is wearing a mauve shirt. Does this mean mauve shirts are gonna be okay now or does it mean mauve shirts are a sign of stark rebellion and should be banned among the God fearing?
The girl sitting next to him is probably his younger sister. She is thinking back to the conversation he and she had the night before. They were discussing how they were going to keep straight faces at the meeting Sunday when she is pregnant and he is tired of living in the closet since he is gay. She is thinking that he is one fine actor and perhaps should consider majoring in drama when he leaves for college next fall.
The elder has the funny look on his face because he senses he is losing control over his family. He keeps finding his wife on line at 2AM. She scrambles to hide all of her windows and the next morning the history, cookies and temporary internet files are all erased. He is tiring of everyone nagging him about his son's mauve shirts and lack of interest in their blooming daughters. Then his mind wonders to that website he saw last week when he was looking for the JW official site. It was that JW Discussion Forum. He couldn't help but look at a couple of the posts and they beckon him to read more...
The wife is dreaming of CharmingPants1965. Was he flirting with her?? It sure felt like it and boy was it nice.....sigh.
Heather S. II