Elder Kid Behaviour An Issue? 22/10/2003 Awake!

by Stephanus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Notice in that Awake! pic the expression on the "elder"! Is he about to break wind? What's he doing? Surely he shouldn't have been looking at the camera-man?

    Now about that lack of Bibles: Yeah, the sister has one appropriately opened, but notice that no-one's checking their Bibles while the young dude is making his comment. Commenting at Dub meetings is more about how closely you can paraphrase what Writing Department have written than anything else.

  • blondie


    More brothers than sisters (what congregation has those demographics)

    No older people

    No small children

    No mustaches

    4 out of 5 sisters have long hair

    Black brothers have "short" hair

    Brother commenting has a blue shirt on (not the "required" white)

    That is not a single mother with son, empty chair is missing husband doing mikes or reading

    Where are the Bibles? (that is why you hear many answers prefaced: "The paragraph says," "The magazine says," "The slave says," "The Society says," but rarely, "The Bible says"

    His sister is thinking, "I know what you were doing last night"

    The young black boy, "He looks like the guy dealing drugs at school."

  • worldlygirl

    I think the elder is showing his winkie to the little boy on the front row.

  • HadEnuf

    In the immortal words of Blondie... VOMIT ALERT!!!

  • rocketman

    Good observations Blondie. And some funny pics on p2.

    The WTS's pictures were a bone of contention for my wife for a long time. Sisters at picnics with skirts or dresses on, for example.

  • Stephanus
    That is not a single mother with son, empty chair is missing husband doing mikes or reading

    I figured that too, Blondie, although I had assumed he was in the bog on important business...

  • jws

    I was an elder's son. I remember a bit of pressure. My dad was so gung-ho and I thought he knew so much about the religion. I felt I could never be the good JW he was.

    On the other hand, being the elder's son was sort of like being a Hollywood celeb's kid. My dad was pretty well known throughout the district. He gave talks all around and worked on numerous hall buildings. He is very friendly and made friends at all the halls and hall buildings he visited.

    So, we kind of had his name to get us by all those suspicious types. Like, mothers of cute girls. Just ask whether they knew my dad. Tell them we're his sons, and we're welcomed.

    Luckily for my dad, he had to step down as an elder (for having principles and compassion that those other bastards didn't have) when we were still in our early teens. So, when my brother and I got into mischief in our later teens, he didn't have to suffer it as an elder. And by the time we would have had to face the pressures of being an adult and living up to our dad's name, he was no longer an elder.

  • simplesally

    The other picture with the elder's son and father elder, did anyone else think he looked like he had make-up on ?????

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    The boy looks sort of like Boy George before he discovered his "inner new self".

    I garantee you this kid will be a crack addict, mentally ill, a homosexual or a lawyer!

  • SanFranciscoJim
    I garantee you this kid will be a crack addict, mentally ill, a homosexual or a lawyer!

    Hey!!!! Stop insulting crack-addicted mentally ill gay lawyers, will ya??

    My guess is that he starts a boy band that sings only kingdom songs and performs at circuit assemblies.

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