I recently learned at a conference that suicide is the second largest cause of death for teenagers, after accidents. Couldn't a situation like this lead to a suicidal depression?
You're right, CM, and it's another example of the unfair pressures that the WT places on its otherwise ignored youth - they only seem to notice them when they're "up to something"; otherwise they don't provide any chance for kids to be kids - no Sunday School, no youth group, no after school activities, etc. The poor elder's kid has no choice but to pioneer, seek MS status, marry and becoming an elder. His only other choices are to rebel, by either living a double life that will eventually catch up with him, or leaving all together, complete with his family outright shunning him. Not much of a future, eh?
Okay, we overlooked one. The boy on the front row: "Why did my daddy leave my mamma for Sister Lonely Divorcee? I mean mamma kept telling him the Society didn't want him counseling sisters all alone. Whyyyyyyy didn't he listen. I miss my daddy!"
I feel sorry for them kids...I wonder where they are now?
Probably still in the Borg - that was only this month's Awake! But I like your enthusiasm - I'd like to see Kingdom Halls with revolving doors so we can get some visual idea of the speed with which the young ones are leaving!
I feel sorry for them kids...I wonder where they are now?
Oh, I get it now - you mean the kids in your haunting memories! How long ago are we talking about and what were the circumstances? I imagine it's a common, if tragic, tale, as are so many on this board.
First of all, the elder would NOT be sitting there with his family. He would be outside in the parking lot shooting the breeze with the other elders.
Second of all, that is definitely supposed to be his sister (Miss Spiritual Elder's Daughter herself). No way she would be sitting next to the guy otherwise.
That picture is a fairly accurate representation. I mean, normally when they print pics of the congregation meetings, most people are paying close attention and appearing "happy." At least half the people in that pic look bored out of their skulls.
Brings back icky memories. You either had to be staring at the speaker, or looking in your publications. Boring, boring, boring meetings. So glad I don't go anymore.