History will give them a pointing snicker.
How Will History Treat The Jehovah's Witness Religion?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
An endtime sect that progressively evolved into a pure book& magazine publishing corporation that now specializes in multi-language publishing. This company exists today in the year 2125 as Kingdom Publishing Incorporated. Its headquarters were once in Brooklyn but are now in upstate New York
Joker10 -- that was ajoke right? They do not believe in religious freedom - If they did , why disfellowship people who have doubts or do not belive fully waht they teach ? How do you equate that with religious freedom?
I envision some Monty Python-esque comedy troupe doing skits mocking the JWs in similar fashion that Python mocked the priests of the Spanish Inquisition.
SFJim, that was a great picture!
Yeah, I'd have to agree that history will just add a footnote that says "and another bussiness mascarading as religion was the WTBTS."
History will forget Jehovah's Witnesses. They will be referred to in footnotes in sociology and thought of as
a reactionary 20th century anti-intellectual movement.
Nathan Natas
Ask the average person on the street what they think of when they hear the name "William Miller."
For most, it will be an absolute zero.
Of course, WE know that Miller was the man behind the "MIllerites," which begat the "Russellites," which begat the Dubs.
Ask a genX-er who Charles Taze Russell or Joseph Franklin Rutherford or Nathan Knorr or Fred Franz were, and they'll probably guess that they were famous skateboarders or extreme skiers.
Within another generation of so, the Dubs will be in a dusty corridor in the non-public area of The Wacko Museum.
Apocalytic Millenialism is dead, unless its got flying saucers in it.
METATRON----Truthful and powerful post!
JW's predicted 'the end' numerous times BEFORE 1975, and the members mostly just remained members when those predictions didn't come true. Some left, but not enough to close them down.
It is kind of disturbing to see the huge popularity of apocalyptic literature, such as the 'Left Behind' series of novels. The latest in the series is titled 'Soon' (saw it on the bookshelf at the grocery store). How many times have we heard that word used in precisely that context? Apparantly, a large segment of the population enjoys reading and thinking about such a scenario. I suppose it is somehow comforting to be told that 'God is going to take care of everything'...
What are the most recent figures regarding 'growth' of JW's worldwide? The last I heard, there had been a decrease in most of the Western world, with growth (not sure if it was enough to offset the decrease, or perhaps more than enough) in the former Soviet Union and some other areas.