It would seem that stinky tried very hard to get deleted, and when people that knew her and cared for her showed restraint, she self fullfilled her own prophecy. 
I think Stinky just needs a rest. She is a prolific and well loved poster, and a good rest would do her good. Also, as Simon has stated, she is possibly being taken advantage of.
This board (to me) is not about who is the most popular, or the most liked. It is a shared and mutual experience of respect. That includes all of us.
Please dont take my words wrong, because I adore stinky, and she knows it. We have talked in chat LOTS. Stinky knows she is wanted here, she is just going through some tough times. I remember when I was her age, and I made alot of mistakes. I did alot of stupid stuff, as I had to test and retest to make sure I wouldnt get hurt by people. With maturity comes the realization that there are more healthy ways to relate to people. Sometimes we may find ourselves so overly guarded that we become aggressive. If it werent for people that I respect saying to me "I dont have to put up with your abuse" I would have never learned this most valuable and common lesson.
Unfortunatly, the control of dubism makes us all learn the hard way. The school of hard knocks. Most of us here have in some way had to learn by this method. It is not the end of the world. Stinky will return a better person, though she may have to learn the hard way.
I am not judging her. I have been a student of this school my damn self.....I will be the first to admit that aggression is a defence mechanism for me in relation to other peeps.
StinkyPantz, if you are reading this, please know that you are cared for here.