(((Chevy))) - nah, it was me being too sensitive - that slogan has never failed to burn my butt!
Someone is hurting
by donkey 54 Replies latest jw friends
Y'know, I've deliberately kept away from both of these boards because of the events of the past few weeks. One of the reasons is because I knew that once I started voicing my feelings about what has been going on, I wouldn't be able to stop. Another reason is because circumstances have directed that I concentrate my energies more into my real life, rather than the virtual one.
But when I read Simon's unkind comments, I had to speak out. I really like Bridget, she's an interesting and sensitve person who I've had the pleasure to get to know. At times like this, I wish I didn't live half a world away, so that I could be with my online friends when they needed a friend.
Stinky, know that I really care about you. You don't deserve the unkind treatment that certain person/s have given you. Stuff them! You don't need them in your life. Stick with those who care about you, and leave behind those who don't. It's the only way to get on with life. -
Prisca and Swan and others... very kind posts... *smile*
BTW: This 'battle cry of the suppressed' ... "I'll probably be deleted for saying this" is really getting old and stale now. You know what you post and the reasons for it is often very obvious, eg... "why has [insert name of trouble maker here] been deleted?"
You know, simon, I understand your frustration with seeing people like me say that. I don't want to add to your frustration - you are gracious enough to let me post here and I appreciate that.
But there is an old corny saying: "where there is smoke there is fire". If posters feel afraid to post stuff because we am on your shitlist then there is something there:
- We have seen how other posters have "disappeared into the night".
- We have experienced this feeling - therefore it is real to us.
You come across as seeming to think everyone wants to manipulate you or take advantage - when in truth we don't. Why do you always see the bad in me? I feel that no matter what I ever did simon - you would always dislike me and I will always have to be on guard around you! Perhaps its me - but then I should feel that way around everyone else and I don't. Perhaps I have that feeling because you are empowered....truthfully that is probably a large part of it. But you as someone who has chosen to run a board of healing needs to know that's how many of us feel. We might have inclination to that feeling....but instead of trying to reassure us you threaten us (sorry I will get off my soap box in a minute) but posters are constantly told "quit whining" or else!!
Simon, I really like you - I did from the start when we used to IM each other. Somewhere something went south...if it is from my side I want to say I am truly sorry. I want your site to succeed too - but that's why I feel it is important to give you this feedback. It would be very easy for me to say WTF and just walk away - but you have something special here - please from the bottom of my heart I implore you to look inward and see if there is something you can change - even if it is just the "perception of Simon".
Scully, thanks for stepping forward with your post. No problems here. I hope the best for my sweetie. In fact I'll be calling her tonight. I feel a little guilty, we haven't IM'd or text-messaged or talked on the phone in far too long.
In chatting with Bridget on occasion I've always found her to be friendly and kind so I hope she's doing ok and finds her way back here. Take care (((Stinky)))
Giving away personal possessions is a sign of an impending suicide attempt.
Suddenly breaking off relationships and "withdrawing" from activities (like this message board) is also a cry for help.
SP is trying to see if anyone would miss her if she "disappeared."
Those of ye who know her, get ye to her even right speedily. This is no joke. This is very very close to being a situation.
CZAR (of the "been there, done that" class)
No, wait. I'm not going to stop there.
I care far too much for Bridget to leave it at a quick post like I just made. So seeing as I've got 5 left, I want to talk about my sweetie a little.
She made a comment [somewhere else] that no one gets her. Wrong. If you prefer fluff and niceties, then maybe you won't. If you treasure the open mind the Empire never let you have, then with a little effort you definitely will get her and when you do it is a rewarding experience.
I've spent many hours talking to her, both online and on the telephone and I've learned something. It is indeed possible to have a discussion with someone who may be your polar opposite on an issue, say whatever you think and feel, and come away with two winners to the debate. Both sides can each win in a debate when they bring an open mind to the table, respect each other, and keep the issue on an intellectual level not drag it down to a personal one.
I have nothing but respect for Bridget and like the rest of you wish a speedy return. If any of you want to wish her well but don't have her email address, I will be happy to forward your thoughts to her. My email is [email protected].
On a related note I would also like to add something to a topic that I know is on Bridget's mind. These are some rough times lately at JWD. There's days I dread logging on. I'm tired of witnessing the losses we're experiencing. Who's at fault, who's wrong or right, ain't my point. What I'm trying to say is that we've got to all find a way to get along again just like we were all here our first time. It's going to take concessions on both sides, everyone is going to have to swallow some pride and give a little to get a lot. We all know Bridget will be back. When she does come back, I myself want her to come back to a board that's better than the one she left. We can do it y'all, we just have to try hard enough. All of us.
Phantom Stranger
Well-said, Mike.
Thanks for understanding. I had a long talk with Bridget via IM before going through with her request to have her account deactivated and since I was "wearing my nurses' cap" through most of it, I don't want to betray her confidence by divulging any more than I already have.
Suffice it to say that right now she really does need the support of her friends and other people who care about her. I think that rather than debating about what happened, everyone's energies would be better spent in letting her know that she's valued and cared about and making sure she's ok.
Love, Scully