Anyone suffering from depression and/or any type of health issues needs medical attention from trained professionals.
Too many times people come on this board and ask for advice and/or look for help....too many times they are given home remedies etc and told to just *talk* about it. That doesn't really work on a DB does it? It works for getting information on 1975 and on Fred Franz, but not quite on how to get over the emotional pain of being raised in a cult.
Bridget was advised to see a doctor and/or professional *over there*...after getting a few cyber hugs.
HS said:
To any suffering depression and struggling with deep emotional issues, please learn that these Boards are not here as a substitute for needed help and therapy. As a matter of fact they could seriously add to your problems.
That needs to be reiterated to every poster and should be a disclaimer on this type of board. While many people come here for healing, many do come with emotional issues that only a professional could hope to help heal.