I don't even see why you'd consider it. After the initial "glow" wears off, you'd be stuck with a JW!! That seems positively awful. Pat
"Worldy" girfriend or JW girlfriend... Help me choose...
by Confucious 80 Replies latest jw friends
Neither, just spread it around until you grow up
Some good and helpful advice here.
Thanks for the posts so far...
This JW girl is 21 and a virgin. She is very very pretty.
Sounds verrry boring. Virgins, waaaaaayyyyyyyy overrated. My godman, are you really 34? And not a dub? Man, I dunno how the hell you can make close to a mil a year w/ a brain that size!!!! No real insult intended, man, I enjoy your posts & admire your honesty. But c'mon!!!! Your not trading up. What if you do manage to nail her before marriage? It's likely, I know you can do it.......but......I bet she gets "virginitis" worse than most, having waited that long, feeeling bad about betraying her religon etc. Marriage? I give it 6 months.
"I know I'm a man that knows how to take care of a woman."
It's glaringly obvious to me that the only way you may possibly be able to "take care" of a woman is in bed. If you really were able to take care of a woman, you would not be contemplating "trading up" to the new and hot-off-the-assembly-line JW model without even a hint to your current lover. I would venture a guess that she has much more of herself involved (i.e. her heart) than you seem too (i.e. your dick). I think this thread and you are disgusting, but for what it is worth as a non-JW married to a reinstating dub,
Confucious, follow your heart.
Nilfun..........no disrespect intended..........
But I don't think his "heart" has A THING to do with this situation.
Confucious...........The way you are even looking at this situation tells me.....at least in my opinion and take it for what it is worth........you couldn't be a JW with a mindset like this.....unless of course you want to spend the rest of your life (or until divorce) leading a double life.......a controlled one at that.
In my opinion.....you are FAR from "trading up" if you are considering a JW at all vs. a "worldly" independent....unbrainwashed......woman. To me a JW of any kind that is still consumed in the religion is a "trade" DOWN!!!!!
My 2 cents,
"Nilfun..........no disrespect intended.........."
Hi, Jesika, none taken. I stand by my post, though.
I'd go for the really 'hot' JW girl, I mean, hotter is better right? You can always give her the old heave-ho when something hotter and better comes along and is impressed by your chiseled Adonis like physique and massive bank account. Chicks really dig that don't they?
/removes tongue from cheek