Just asking because my church of christ friend says you cannot be both.
Is anyone a christian evolutionist?
by Panda 49 Replies latest jw friends
Phantom Stranger
I'm not, but who died and made him pope?
Anyone who has faith in an omnipotent god shuld be able to convince themselves that that god set into motion physical laws that resulted in evolution.
The trick is not also believing that the guy selling you the bridge in Brooklyn is straight up.
Phantom Stranger
Statement from a Christian Evolutionist (link)
Article on Kenneth Miller, author of a book on Christian evolutionism. (link)
Dude - sure you wanna argue with this guy?
You can knock me over with a feather! I truly thought that a Christian Evolutionist would be an oxymoron. I am not kidding you when I tell you I never realized what a sheltered life I lived before I began visiting this board! My eyes have not only been opened wide, but my eyelids have been ripped off as well! (Now doesn't THAT give you quite the mental picture?! LOL!)
No kidding.... a Christian Evolutionist?! What's next?! A Christian who doesn't believe Jesus was the Messiah?!
There are millions of Christians who accept the theory of Evolution. Evolution != Atheism.
Thanks so much you guys. I know the question sounded strange but this is so important to my friend that I thought , HEY maybe there is someone! I mean my Mom was Catholic and believed evolution. So this is great, again thanks thanks thanks..Panda
Been there
I suppose I would be called a Christian Evolutionist. I have always believed in both. I thought of it as Creative Evolution.
If you think about it............a baby is a product of evolution. Two seperate cells join together and start to grow and change and become (evolve into) a little human being. Some things take nine weeks, nine months, nine million years.
Evolution flies in the face of Adamic sin - thereby nullifying the need for the sacrifice of Jesus, bringing into sharp question the whole "basis" of Christianity.
But what does a worthless ass know?
Just asking because my church of christ friend says you cannot be both.
The church of christ follows the bible to the point of not using musical instruments because there is no biblical precedent for it.They are literalists in a sense. They follow the bible. If you follow the bible.......then when the bible says..." and god said...let there be light, and vegetation, and tress, and animals, and rain, and humans.........then it means god spoke a word and it materialised right then.........not over billions of years. To take it as otherwise is taking it as allegorical and if you do that, you might as well chuck the book out the window in my book. I can see from a biblical aspect how ridiculous the idea would be to me also. I would see it as the bible says it, not through evolutions eyes. Allgrowedup, Yes...you do need to read more. There are in fact ones who claim to be CHRISTIANS......and were called christians by others.....who did not believe in a HISTORICAL Jesus. These were actually very early christians called the 'gnostic' christians.......which were followed by LITERALIST christians who believed in an earthly historical Jesus, wheras, the former only viewed him as a spiritual heavenly Jesus. That's why the gospels were written.....to give Jesus a historical place. You can read as you will, and not find any of the other books of the bible.....other than the gospels, that speak of Jesus having an earthly life. There is one or two, but these have been highly disputed by many. Gumby
I am open enough to believe that it's possible we came from a "primordeal soup" which of course was created by God. We need to realize that the Bible contains 6000 years of recorded human history.