THEY'VE DONE IT!!!! The WBTS set a new date!

by dmouse 208 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • shamus

    I guess my comment would be that the Watchtower (tm) always gives subtle hints... they never EVER come right out and say something, so they can back-petal and not have any consequences. They learnt from 1975, and were sure about 1914...

    Now they have a serious problem.... they put all they're eggs in one basket, so to speak, and made some pretty bold prophecies about the generation of 1914 seeing the end of this sytem of things (tm). Now, they have come up with this subtle ploy to keep us all guessing.

    There will be more to come in about a year.. just wait and be patient.

  • jayhawk1

    I don't think the Society is putting a date in this. 2034 is too far away to get the Great Crowd worked up for. The point the Dubs will get is "Don't get too burned out, the end didn't happen for Noah for 120 years!"

    Guys and gals, to read anything more into this at this time is jumping ahead of Jehovah's Spirit, we must wait for New Light to lead us!

    I still think the year 2005 has some promise for a few Dubs looking for an end date.

  • shamus


    Sounds a bit like what they said in 1975.

  • jayhawk1

    Sure does, come to think of it. I just want to caution and poke fun at the society at the same time by saying we should not put words in the society's collective mouth. Unlike in 1975 and before, when they actually published the 1975 date as being the potential "it", this article does not point to 2034 as the new potential "it".

    So once again I say,

    Don't get ahead of Jehovah's Org.

  • bebu

    "Do More 'Til '34!"

    A motto like this is so sly. I love it.


  • Dansk

    Is it just me or did anyone else feel like vomiting when dmouse's pictures of the Watchtower came up?

    I just TOTALLY hate looking at anything Watchtower now!

    Great thread, dmouse - but now I wonder how even more longer I'm going to have to wait for my girls to see sense and leave!

    Oh well, Simon, looks like your forum's gonna be around for a whole lot longer (so still time to save countless thousands more!) Actually, that's the way to look at this. The Watchtower intimates that there could be another 30 years left - that's a great time to get loads more out of the Borg. Gee, I'm feeling better already


  • nicolaou

    I'm still thinking about this whole issue but one thing I did notice was the absence of a single word. If the WT really are laying the groundwork for 2034 to become a date of significance then how can they continue to make the claim that "we are deep in the time of the end" as they have done countless times before [check your WT CD].

    They don't! I think that may be a telling indicator . . . . . maybe.

    ?What about us? Some 90 years have passed since the last days of this system of things began in 1914. We are certainly in ?the time of the end.? (Daniel 12:4) How should we respond to warnings we have been given??

    We are now just in "the time of the end" not deep "in the time of the end"

  • shotgun

    I liked dmouse's picture from the WT...Noah looks like shite at 600 and he's supposed to live another 300 yrs after that...

    Jcanon.....this thread is a little off topic for you...You do realize if the earth had been surrounded by ice or water life would not have existed.

    As for the WT..I wish the R & F would read all the WT literature from 1880 on and they would see how the dates keep on moving as time progresses , they must have a slide rule..the only ones which remain are the invisible certainties.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    OH!, It's cut and paste time again? Yes, let's all and be

    Guest 77

  • Pathofthorns

    I would tend to agree with Minimus that there is no suggestion of any particular date. It would definitely be counterproductive imo.

    What they may be addressing are insecurities among the r&f that something has gone wrong due to Armageddon's apparent delay. This artical would simply be reassuring those ones that even a 120 year time frame would not necessarily be out of line.

    For them to be predicting a date as late as 2034 would also mean an adjustment to their 1935 teaching regarding the calling of the annointed as well as calling into question "who is the faithful and discreet slave"?

    This is a religion built upon the belief they are living in the last days and every generation of JW's must believe that "the end" will happen in their lifetime in order for it to work. As soon as "the end" appears too distant, (or they are exposed as liars and "false prophets") they lose members.


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