Like Nathan, I've made the point that the Tower could only flog the 1975 date simply because there were at least two generations that hadn't seen the 1925 debacle and therefore couldn't learn from that mistake. I've also said (I think) that it would be at least 50 years from 1975 until they could get away with another date. However, they're running out of time - due to the end of the generation teaching and their last possible date (the year 2000) slipping into the past. So if they want a sizeable org by the mid 2020s, they'll have to start the date speculation now, before the slowdown in growth/negative growth becomes a mass exodus. I thought that they might do so by gradually producing new dates and withdrawing them before they arrive, only to replace them with new dates that are close enough to fear, but distant enough to allow some evangelism time. Someone once mentioned that in one of the prophetic books a figure of one hundred years was mentioned and could be added to 1914 to get 2014. If I were Bethel, having now established 2034 as the outer limit, I'd then introduce 2014 as the possible date to fear. As it got closer, the already established date of 2034 could be focussed on while de-emphasising 2014 - perhaps an intermediate date of 2025 (1925 + 100) could be similarly introduced and gradually de-emphasised along the way to 2034. And by then they'll have a new audience that has forgotten the previous lessons of history and they'll start massaging the figures to perhaps say that the "generation" started in 1975, giving them another date of up to 2055. Add 100 years and you get 2075, 120 and you get 2095.
It's a game that could be played, but it'd take nerves of steel to succeed at it. And those idiots in Bethel have allowed themselves to believe their own press enough to prevent them from playing this game as cynically as they'd need to play it. But for people who like to play with numbers and dates, there are plenty of opportunities for Bethel to do so.