When I was a teenager a "sister" shut herself in her garage with the car running...left behind a hubby and two young daughters. About a year or two ago a young "brother" who had been disfellowshipped...was bi-polar...tried for over a year to get reinstated...also shut himself in his garage and died with the car running. Left behind two "pioneer" parents and two brothers and a sister. When I was newly married and moved to my present location...a "sister" related to a family in our congregation walked into the ocean and drowned herself. I hear many, many reports of suicide among JW's and x-JW's. "Statistics" (as in there are just as many suicides among non-witnesses as among JW's) don't mean crap if someone you loved killed themselves because of the religion they belonged to .
Do u know any JW"s that have suicided?
by Rick Aust 66 Replies latest jw friends
I tried to kill myself a couple of years ago. I had some personal stuff going on in my life that was traumatic and then a do gooder 'friend' decided to contact my elders and accuse me of having oral sex with a brother (whom at that time I had NOT).. but the pressure was too much and so I took a bottle of pills and whiskey. Just didn't die.. and then still had to deal with the elders.
SNS -- I am so glad the suicide attempt was unsuccessful. If it is not too painful for you may I ask if you are feeling much better now or are you still dealing with issues. May I also ask how did the elders treat you after the suicide attempt -- if you have answered before can you direct me to the URL. Thanks.
Just last year, here in my ex's congregation. The Brother was in his late thirties, hanged himself, leaving behind a wife and four small children.
My nephew.
My sister tried to commit suicide (pills and slashed wrists) after her husband left her for another woman. They were both JWs at the time. She had a brief visit from an elder to make sure she was repentant. Otherwise she would have been disfellowshipped. She left the religion years before I did. Fortunately she?s forgiven me for shunning her all those years because she was eventually disfellowshipped anyway (for moving in with her worldly boyfriend).
A family friend, a lovely woman who had a Downs syndrome child, found it difficult to cope with all the ?do more? rhetoric from the Society. The elders told her to pull herself together and keep attending meetings, more study and field service and all would be fine. She poured petrol over herself and set fire to it while she sat in her car. I still see her son selling newspapers in the city centre.
God how I hate this religion.
I know PERSONALY two cases: one, the brother got reinstated after many years out, married a JW sister and, after a couple of years, she cheated on him. He killed himself when found out.
The other case, the brother was having problems with alcohol for years, had a wife and 2 children, was causing a lot of problems to his family. Then, years after him having nothing to do with the religion any longer, the elders decided that he was mudding "Jehovah's organization" and the solution was to dfed him. A couple of months later he took his life. When his body was found, it was black, badly decomposed.
Someone one day could put up a database of concrete cases like these. It's creepy, I know, but it's the only way to show the world how damaging is this ridiculous practice of shunning.
quote by stillajwexelder
SNS -- I am so glad the suicide attempt was unsuccessful. If it is not too painful for you may I ask if you are feeling much better now or are you still dealing with issues. May I also ask how did the elders treat you after the suicide attempt -- if you have answered before can you direct me to the URL. Thanks.
Thanks stillajwexelder. I'm glad that it wasn't sucessful too. Yes I am better now and thoughts of suicide no longer even cross my mind. How did the elders take it then?? well they only heard about it because they pulled me into comittee meetings immediately and I got the feeling they thought it was only a feeble attempt for sympathy so I wouldn't get dfd. The thing is I really did try to kill myself. It was never a game or ploy. I decided to take whatever punishment they had for me and after it, reattempt it. That way no one could say that I did it to avoid punishment. But I did get help from a therapist which I was required to go to because of work and when they heard of my attempt. The therapist helped me so I decided no matter what they gave me, I wouldn't reattempt. I never felt the 'love' from the brothers. They barely noticed I existed before this sister tattled on me and then by the time I had my meetings, I had gotten into real trouble.. figuring I might as well go ahead and do whatever because I deserved to be dead any way. So I think they thought I was this really immoral stupid woman influenced by men. Even when I got my priviledges back there There never was any love or support from them and why I thought they'd be there for me when other problems came up. And that is in a huge way why I chose not to return. -
I know of one. I had to PM Rick with details.
What a lie when quote Matthew 11:30 and say, "their yoke is kindly and load is light."
Good point Jayhawk. That is one of two scriptures (the other is 1 John 5:3) that I think are most abused and misapplied by the wts.