Yes, My good friend Al. He O.D.ed and was found in a car under a bridge in Boston. He was a good man
Do u know any JW"s that have suicided?
by Rick Aust 66 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, minnesota.........I still attend for family's sake, but my mind and heart are long gone. I remember Dennis Sjodein; he was a fun type of guy, I can remember him at the conventions and knew some who went on his trips.
The suicides I knew were so heartbreaking.
Perfectionist's all; they could not keep it up.
I HATE the WT for what they have done to so many good people; they have grilled into them again and again that they are sinful, condemned.
The latest NY puke who spoke at our SAD spoke several times of our condemnation at birth..........please.
When I connect with my god, I do not feel condemned; I feel comforted and energized to do what I know is right.
There is so much sadness in this thread regarding lives lost that did not need to be. I truly feel for everyone here that has had someone close to them take their life. I know people say it is a selfish thing (I have been told that in some not so kind ways), but truly I don't think anyone who attempts/succeeds does it for selfish reasons. Sometimes when the mind is so depressed it can actually think in a warped way that you are doing those you love a favor by leaving. Of course, this isn't true, but someone seeking to leave, isn't thinking rationally.
It angers me to know that many of these lives may very well have been lost due to the pressures of the JW world. I know that it played a huge part in my attempt. I refuse to ever be a part of something that has so much pressure on my life that I would feel cornered to put myself in that dangerous place again. This can not be part of a true religion when so much pain comes from it. That isn't what a true religion would be about. It makes no sense. I just can't believe it took me so long to realize it.
LyinEyes, of all the heartache in this thread, yours touched me the most. I am so sorry for all the pain you have had in your life.
sns wrote:
lives may very well have been lost due to the pressures of the JW world
Yes ... I agree. The pressures ... and the failures of the spiritual leaders to provide qualified help. They say they are providing qualifiedTM help ... and are not. The help comes only in the placebo form. Totally not legitimate help. I could scream ... because I think a crime has been committed by these elders who claim their spiritual qualifications -- yet are proving false to the power of the said qualifications.
I could scream
it was not only that they are not qualified to help (which I soooo agree with ESTEE on), but it was for me, the pressure that I was expecting from them that actually lead to my suicide attempt. So ironic now, since I had really not done that much to be bad or disciplined for YET when I attempted it, but it was the pressure of being questioned and condemned and feeling unworthy by them that was too much for me to bare.
Thank you for you sympathies over my mom,,,,,,,it means the world to me. I came to this place and was allowed for the first time in all those years to have so many to talk about it with. For the first time I was allowed to grieve, something the elders cautioned me on so many times , when I got depressed, you know how they say, we don't grieve like the "world" does, and Jehovah will take care of it all in time. But I had my life to live, I couldnt wait another 17 years , it ate me up own sorrow, the guilt, the pain. I had suffered from depression myself for years ,probably the same damn thing she went thru and finally I understood what she was going thru and it was a damn dark place I never want to go thru and waste years in.
I will say that I have went thru all the range of emotions also over her suicide. Not sure if she really did, even wondering if my father who was an elder about to be d/f for an affair might have talked her into jumping, or did it himself,,,,,,,still wonder about that.....he got a huge life insurance on her that got him out of trouble with the IRS. I thought she was cruel, I thought she was crazy,,I then went to blaming myself. I stayed at that place for along time.
I have had more people who didnt know her, from here, to shed tears for her , that felt the pain of it all so much more than any of the witnesses ever did. No one came to her funeral , no witness in good standing........this was in 1985,,,,,,,so things were not as sympathic to suicides , they have (JW) have seemed to have gotten a little more sympathic about it. No flowers, no cards, nothing, and me and hubby were active , good standing jw's, and they couldnt show up for us. Some wanted to but felt they couldnt, or they would be in trouble.
That hurt me so bad, the little things,,,,,,,like no flowers at her grave, no "Brother"(puke on that term), would give her funeral talk, we had to hire a justice of the peace we knew to do a witness outline for her.
She died, thinking she had committed the unforgiveable sin,,,,,,,she thought since she caused so much pain on my sister and me, my father didnt love her for it all anymore, the prescription drug abuse, that she couldnt be loved by Jehovah anymore. She was ate up with guilt and no one , not a single elder came to see her in rehab, no questions of repentance,,,,,like there should be anyway for sickness. They sent her a cold two line letter in the mail stating she had been d/f .
I know for a fact she was despondant,,,,,she was full of grief, and saw no way out. The pain was too much. I have been in that dark place and you just dont see things right. I dont even think she was selfish or unloving anymore , I know she was in pain.
told me now since she is assuming there will be committee meetings and a disfellowship, not to go and play my suicidal mind games on all of them and if I am going to do it, do it right, get a gun and blow my head off or slit my wrists, but make sure I really do that job and be done with it and not hassle them.
Um, sns? I just want to say the complete OPPOSITE of what that #### said to you. Under no circumstances is suicide an option for you, understand? Okay, then.
The best revenge on betrayers is to live a happy life and make sure they find out about it.
Sorry I forgot my hubby was still logged in,,,,,,,,,the above post was by me, LyinEyes..........
LyinEyes, I am so sorry that you have had all this to go through. It angers me to read, and unfortunately does not surprise me, that you received no support, nor did your mother from the congregation. How sad. I can't imagine the emotions you speak of in dealing with them under the circumstances. I'm glad this place has been able to give you support.
Um, sns? I just want to say the complete OPPOSITE of what that #### said to you. Under no circumstances is suicide an option for you, understand? Okay, then.
Thanks czarofmischief. I read you loud and clear. Don't worry. Even though when I read those words in the letter from my 'so called friend" my first thought was, well it is a good thing I am not suicidal right now or that letter probably would have pushed me over the edge, thankfully I have no plans at all to take my life. For the first time in my life I am living it without guilt from all the things I fall short of (i.e., meeting attendence, bible study, service, too short skirts, too much to drink now and then, etc etc). Right now I have no guilt but live each day appreciating it as a gift with so many good things in it. I really have never been so happy in all my life. Inspite of the fact I am angry about having been so blind about JW org and the people I just lost due to leaving it.
My wife, while married to her ex, and while an active witness, attempted suicide.