I knew of the daughter of an annointed sister who "accidentally" drowned in a children's wading pool about 20 years ago. I tried to take my own life when I was 14. while I was a JW I was constantly pumped full of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds.
Do u know any JW"s that have suicided?
by Rick Aust 66 Replies latest jw friends
My nephew, 19, about 5 months ago
You're from around here?? Yes you correctly identified the suicide victim in my post. I knew him fairly well.
yeah! another Minnesotan?
And my son attempted it when he thought the elders were going to disfellowship him; when he woke he was surprised that I was not mad at him. I have had many a sleepless night over this.
I think my mom can relate to that pistoff. She has always worried about me after I attempted it. I only slept for two days. Thankfully mom was far away and didn't know about it until long after. My dad still doesn't know.
My Mother jumped in the Red River , from a tall bridge,,,,,,,she knew she couldnt swim, never learned how. She had the means and tried other times with "cries for help" by taking overdoses of pills. She could have done it easier that way it seems to me. I think this last try for her was her way of making sure it would done. And it was. That was 18 years ago. She had been d/f only 4 months and fresh out of rehab for prescription drug abuse.
A brother, who also had depression, shot himself and also rigged the house up to catch on fire at his death.
My mom's nephew, shot himself with a 9mm.
A brother who was so depressed over being disabled and not able to do in the congregation as he once did,,,,,,shot himself also, this was when I was a teenager.
My best friend shot herself, or so they say,,,,,still some doubt that is what really happened to her, but she was had been d/f not very long.
There have been so many I know that thought it out , almost did it ,or tried and didnt succeed.......just too damn many to even name or count. Makes me just sick, makes me cry and makes me mad ... I better stop writing now......sorry aboutyour nephew Smack, I know that is a fresh wound, I feel for you. It hasn't been long since Nina lost her Dad.......Hugs to you too Nina. Hugs to all.
So sorry about your mom.
there was a young brother who shot himself, the story i got was that he watched a rated R movie and it ate away at him so a day or so later he ended his life. the movie was "the lawnmower man" and i was told he imitated a scene in the movie by shooting himself but i dont remember any such scene. what kind of a quote LOVEING unquote organization would put such guilt upon a youngster for doing something so insignificant that they feel the only way out is to end it all. sure it was probably his own mental state......... but how can the wt not take any responsiblilty for makeing everything seem to be an unforgiveable sin. no religion should have that kind of a hold on people.
I knew a couple of JWs that did. One was an elder's wife. She had problems and eventually took her life. The elders blamed the demons for the voices in her head. Looking back, I know now that she needed professional help, not elders telling her to pray more. Some of her blood is on their heads.
Another was a very good friend of mine. I still think about him quite often. His suicide was a complete shock to everyone that knew him. I knew he wasn't completely happy but I had no idea he was that despondant. I have gone through the entire range of emotions over this one. Sad, then angry, then blaming myself. Now I just miss him and feel sad for his family and the anger is more directed at this crackpot religion that helped him to feel inferior and worthless. Damn them to hell.
Yes, I knew of one elder who took his life about three years ago. Police found him in his car on a country road. Shotgun wound to the head. His wife and I grew up together, not a very pleasant thing for the family.