Most of yall don't know that I live with my ex-hubby (just watchin' his back)...He's retired from the Navy, a stroke victim with an anxiety disorder among other psychological problems stemming from his IQ of 85, I'm sure.....His stroke impaired his left side and he was left-handed, so the use of his right hand is unstable....I live with him to see that the water gets turned off when he leaves faucets running and goes to the store, to see that he eats regularly, to see that doors are closed and locked when he goes to bed or leaves the house, cause he forgets and leaves 'em open and/or unlocked alla time....and to loan him money cause even tho he makes more than I do, he can't handle his finances successfully from month to month.....
This morning, he ranted and raved and called the Police dept. to report that two garbage trucks were cruising down our street side-by-side blocking traffic while they were picking up garbage (they do this every week)....He wasn't going anywhere, just got irritated that they were blocking the street as they went about their business.....A short while later, he went somewhere and came back with a loaded gun in a shoulder holster....My mouth fell open and I asked very mildly..."what are you doing with that gun?"......He said that he bought it and starts classes tomorrow to be certified to carry a concealed weapon......He says things are getting too nasty around town.....
Friends.....we're talkin' about "Forrest Gump with a BAD Attitude" here.....Question is: HOW DO I HANDLE THIS without pissin' him off....If I call his Sis or Son and give them a "heads up" he'll know I told 'em.....I could call the class instructor where he's going to be certified, but there's no guarantee they'll listen when I tell 'em the problem AND no guarantee they'd take the gun away from him anyway......My only other choice is to let him just go ahead and "do his thing" and "hang" himself for mopry with intent to creep.....or whatever they charge people with who have no business with a gun in the first place.
Help, please....I need advice pretty soon here....
Frannie B