Emergency!!! - Crabby Pants Bought a GUN!!! I Need Advice ASAP, Please...

by Frannie Banannie 32 Replies latest social family

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Texas Department of Public Safety
    Concealed Handgun Licensing Unit
    PO Box 15888
    Austin, TX 78761-5888

    ooooooo, Thanks, Imallgrowedup....I'm calling them as soon as my cell phone recharges...

    signing off as, worried about Frannie,

    Thanks, Morty....I'm more worried about what harm he might do to himself or some innocent bystander.....I heard back from his Sis in Calif.....she's gonna call his son and also call HIM this evening and just chat him up about this....he's been talking about getting a gun for a while now, so she's gonna talk to him like it's a followup on a previous conversation they had....(keeping fingers crossed and calling everyone I can find to call)....

    You aren't exactly a normal ex though. You are there IN his life helping him. People should take your more seriously. I understand about legal records, etc, but people should listen to you even without the profile.

    And if anything does happen, you will be able to live with yourself by doing everything you could to try to avoid a bad situation. What you are doing, takes guts and I admire that!

    You're right, Sns....now if they'll just listen to me like I care....thanks, sns....I'm just doing what I hope someone would do for me...

    Frannie B

  • imallgrowedup

    No problem, Frannie!

    Do keep us posted, okay?!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Well....we're screwed.... it's official....I just talked to the TDPS Gun Licensing Div....a supervisor....they say as long as he meets qualifications for licensing, there is nothing they can do to prevent his having the gun and carrying it....I give up...I told them he will lie and not tell them about all the medications he's taking on the forms...they
    still said there's nothing they can do about it....they have the final say-so...

    It's a good thing my cell phone registers all these calls I've made on this date to these different depts....asking for their help and trying to enlist their aid to stop him from owning a gun....so when someone is hurt by him, I can truthfully say who's responsible.

    Frannie B

  • cruzanheart
    I'm more worried about what harm he might do to himself or some innocent bystander

    I'm worried about YOU, Frannie. And this blasted state of ours is so cavalier about gun ownership -- that's how people like your ex and my dad can carry one around despite their mental state and pill-popping. It's not right.


  • morty


    you do ever thing you can to stop this....From what I have read you are....I cannot believe they make it so easy for a person to get a gun.....Do you think his family will get through to him? You must keep plugging at this...And your right about worrying about innocent stand bys getting hurt.....Maybe if you told the police about the meds he was on, they would be able to do something about it....good luck hon..


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    I'm worried about YOU, Frannie. And this blasted state of ours is so cavalier about gun ownership -- that's how people like your ex and my dad can carry one around despite their mental state and pill-popping. It's not right.

    Awww (((((Nina))))...It's incredible, idnit? Texas is the epitome of the "Good Ol' Boys Club"....I shoulda known they wouldn't do anything....they wouldn't listen when I tried to get them to stop him from getting his driver's license....he keeps the auto body repair shop in business and I refuse to ride anywhere with him.....If he hurts someone or himself, I hope his fam sues this State's butt off for allowing it to happen.....right after they put him in a straight jacket....

    Frannie B

  • Valis

    Frannie...could you hide his gun? Or would that make him violent?


    District Overbeer

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    That would be a great idea, Valis....I'd prefer to take it and throw it away when he leaves outta here one time without it and swear up and down he left the door unlocked and someone stole it....but the problem is he'll prolly wear it 24/7....yup...even to bed......AND...he'd prolly just go out and buy another.

    Frannie B

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Unfortunately, it seems that there will have to be a crises situation before they can take him in for "involuntary processing" at the psychiatric facility. I would definitely watch for signs of him getting irritated, making threats, etc. and then call the cops and say that you feel he is a "Danger to himself and those around him" and sign an affidavit form that the cops will bring and get him put in for 72 hours. That will give the County time to dig up his medical psych history and determine his calibre of danger to himself and/or the community and at least get him out of the crises for the time being. CG

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Unfortunately, it seems that there will have to be a crises situation before they can take him in for "involuntary processing" at the psychiatric facility. I would definitely watch for signs of him getting irritated, making threats, etc. and then call the cops and say that you feel he is a "Danger to himself and those around him" and sign an affidavit form that the cops will bring and get him put in for 72 hours. That will give the County time to dig up his medical psych history and determine his calibre of danger to himself and/or the community and at least get him out of the crises for the time being.

    CG, I plan to keep my voice-activated tape recorder VERY handy so I can document his "diatribes"...there won't be any questions when I make that call....


    Frannie B

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