Emergency!!! - Crabby Pants Bought a GUN!!! I Need Advice ASAP, Please...

by Frannie Banannie 32 Replies latest social family

  • Bendrr
    The big problem is that I don't have access to the paperwork (psych profile) on him that proves what I'm claiming, nor do I have any right to access his records....

    No problem at all Frannie. They do have the right. When buying a gun one has to fill out a BATF form (I forget the number) and one of the questions is regarding mental condition. Now if your [whatever he is] hasn't actually been committed it may be somewhat of a gray area legally but it sounds like the authorities would have a good case in taking his gun and rights to own them away.

    Don't let up on the cops and DPS. I may be a big supporter of gun rights, but I'm also a big supporter of responsible gun ownership. There's some folks out there who just plain don't need to be even near a gun.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Thanks, Mike....I guess what I need to do is get a copy of the form to see exactly what he has to fill out to comply with their requirements....if they ask about his meds or something like that, I may actually be able to get them to DO something and stop him...

    Frannie B

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Holy Cow! I cant offer any advice. Just wanted to say I was going to go in to a long rant about gun control and use this as an example, but I stopped myself.....

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  • Bendrr

    Frannie, just go to any local gun shop and they'll give you either a blank form or a copy of one. For that matter, you may want to try and find a reputable gun dealer and run the situation by him/her for advice. Gun dealers are good people (99.9% of them anyways, there's always a few shady characters) and the last thing any of them want is to get on the bad side of the BATF "Gun Gestapo".


  • Maverick

    The Traveler's Guide to Firearm Laws states Texas has fairly liberal firearm laws. He will need a carry permit or he will be in violation of Texas law if he leaves his house with the gun on his person. And he can not carry the firearm around visible, (open carry) ever! The only exception is licensed hunters in season. A person on meds or disability due to mental illness or injury has to state such on the licensing forms, failure to do so will disqualify the person for licensing. It's a catch 22, if he is truthful he would not get the permit, if he lies it can be revoked. Let his instructor know his condition. Most of the shooting coarse instructors are cops. Remind this person that you are documenting this and may hold him responsible if anything bad happens if a permit is issued. Gun ownership is not in and of itself bad or evil. But it is a serious issue, and can have far reaching consequences. Maverick

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Frannie, just go to any local gun shop and they'll give you either a blank form or a copy of one. For that matter, you may want to try and find a reputable gun dealer and run the situation by him/her for advice. Gun dealers are good people (99.9% of them anyways, there's always a few shady characters) and the last thing any of them want is to get on the bad side of the BATF "Gun Gestapo".

    Excellent, Mike...that's what I'll do....I'll also take a list of his meds and stop by the VA and get a printout on 'em to show 'em what he's taking and what for....and if that doesn't work, I'll send the info to the BATF.

    A person on meds or disability due to mental illness or injury has to state such on the licensing forms, failure to do so will disqualify the person for licensing. It's a catch 22, if he is truthful he would not get the permit, if he lies it can be revoked. Let his instructor know his condition. Most of the shooting coarse instructors are cops. Remind this person that you are documenting this and may hold him responsible if anything bad happens if a permit is issued.

    Thanks, Mav....This info greatly enhances what Mike has already told me...I just know that once I get all the "ducks in a row" and present the info re: his meds, he won't be allowed to own the gun anymore.....one way or another....it'd be just like him to lie about the meds and his condition on his license app....

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Holy Cow! I cant offer any advice. Just wanted to say I was going to go in to a long rant about gun control and use this as an example, but I stopped myself.....

    Good Luck!

    LOL, Chevysnstats! I think we've just about covered it, dontcha think?...heheheh Thanks for the "good luck" wishes...

    Frannie B

  • Sentinel

    First off, in our locality, he would not have been able to purchase a gun with his background. Secondly, if he by chance got a gun anyway, he would not be able to get a permit to carry it concealed. Some states are much more strict than others. He might take classes, but when he submits all his information to the Court in his application to carry a concealed weapon, he would be denied. You could write to the Chief Judge of the court who reviews these petitions and have your letter, and any other affidavits placed with the file. There is no way, they would grant his petitition here. On the other hand, he would have access to reading his file, and he would "see" your letter and other affidavits on file, and that could make him very, very angry. People who have mental issues or are in any way unstable would use a gun whether or not they had a permit. It's not a good position for you to be in.

    If you can reason with him, and talk him out of having the gun in the house, and quiet him down as far as the need to get a permit, etc., it's worth a try. You know him better than anyone here. I'd hate to see you get hurt; you are such a good person to be there for him in his time of need. That says a lot about you as a person. I would definitely have to find a way to get that piece out of his hands and totally away from him. One with these types of physical and emotional problems should NOT have a weapon. He sounds like a walking time bomb. Be careful. Seek guidance from your local authorities and keep pushing; I see that they have tried to make it "someone elses problem". You will have to keep on top of this. PLEASE!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Sentinel, you're so caring...thank you...I'm seriously doing everything I said I'd do according to what others here have so kindly suggested....and his Sis is calling him tonight to "chat him up" about it casually and see if she can talk him out of it...I'm getting a copy of the application today, to see if I can find out what the specific requirements are and if they will cause him to be legally denied.

    I'll even contact Adult Protective Services and the local news media if the BATF doesn't come through for him on this...

    Thank you so much for your concern...

    Frannie B

  • little witch
    little witch


    I just wanted to voice my concern for you. Guns and mental illness do not mix! Get the hell out of there while this gets dealt with, please!!!!

    You have gotten correct advice on the mental illness issue when applying for a license.

    Any lie told on the form, voids the license. Call your county sherriffs office, and explain that he lied on the form, and they will help you.

    Please please please distance yourself while this is going on.... I am very concerned for your well-being right now!!!

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