Thanks guys. I think in time my daughter will be living with me anyway. My wife finds it hard looking after her on her own - where as i find it really enjoyable. Twice already she's rang me in tears asking me to look after our daughter for another day. Then the next day her parents step in and she's "alright" again.
She's keeping things from her parents though. Im not gonna go down the route of snitching on people. I'll just let that come out on its own. There's people in that hall that have a reputation of whiter-than-white. Which is funny, because only 2 month before i was disfellowshipped i was in a strip club with one of these brothers. Who's probably shitting his pants lest i tell the elders. Or maybe brother so-and-so would like to know that his precious pioneer daughter isnt a virgin. Well... at least according to a WT magazine standard if you know what i mean. Then there's the three recently appointed min servents - one of whom has kissed a boy in a nightclub, the other two have been with the same girl at the same time. But who am i to say anything?
"The truth will always come out" so sayeth one of the elders at my judicial. Let's hope he's right.