Interesting thread.
I also think, dropping the shunning might even contribute to growth or at least halt the decline in more western countries.
A lot of bad press is driven by former members, who are, righlty so, often upset because their leaving the religion resulted in so much harm and damage, seperating them from their loved ones even.
It was even one important topic to the investigators in Australia (JW were called a captive religion)
And, I also agree, that most of JW remain because they believe, even though subconsciously the threat of being shunned plays a role.
If for example taking blood would not result in shunning, then lots of critques would remain silent, and this doctrine, that hunts JW anyway, can be dropped more easily.
The so called core doctrines, like paradies earth or preaching, could remain, and would bother nobody anymore.
Are they ridicolous ? Maybe, but so is a belief in heaven, hell, reincarnation, astrology , rapture and so on..
just my 2 cents