Shunning: The Watchtower's Self-Inflicted Wound

by slimboyfat 102 Replies latest members campaign

  • slimboyfat

    Have you thought about joining the Unitarians?

    Why would someone leave JWs to join the army? What about the mlitary if you want to talk about brainwashing cult? It has got BITE in spades. Plus at least JWs don't train followers to kill people.

  • cofty
    Have you thought about joining the Unitarians?

    Even if the Watchtower did all of those things and more I would not go near it.

    at least JWs don't train followers to kill people

    I didn't say the Watchtower needed to promote military careers for its members.

    You are confusing your pathetically naive political ideology with ethics and hijacking your own thread.

  • slimboyfat

    What on earth kind of response is that?

    And I was responding to you point:

    • participating fully in politics and the military
  • cofty

    I didn't say the Watchtower should participate fully in politics and the military.

    I said, 'If you could be a JW in good standing while participating fully in politics and the military - among many other things I listed - I would consider that a good start.

    It's about personal freedom of thought and action.

    You are only in favour of freedoms that are compatible with your personal ideology.

  • slimboyfat

    I guess so, although I would describe it differently. I am not in favour of killing people, or joining national death cults, as I would describe armies. If JWs should stand for anything it should be not fighting in wars, God's name, preaching and paradise earth, in my view. If you need to have some things that hold it together, those are pretty good ones.

  • cofty
    If JWs should stand for anything it should be ... paradise earth, in my view. - SBF

    'Paradise Earth' is an poisonous utopian fantasy that destroys people's ability to live normal lives rooted in reality.

    It is the cornerstone of everything that is harmful about the cult.

    If the 20th century taught us anything it's that all utopian doctrines inevitably end in oppression and the destruction of individual freedoms.

  • Giordano

    at least JWs don't train followers to kill people

    Their followers do kill people by enforcing the Blood Ban. JW's are coerced to refuse a life saving blood transfusion. They have been misled and fail to understand the risk they face.

    That doesn't kill them?

  • slimboyfat

    Well we can make improvements until it approximates paradise. I reckon people from hundreds of years ago might look upon today as pretty utopian. If JWs can gradually be convinced that Jehovah uses humans to bring about improved conditions ourselves. Some of the organisations are already in place and some JWs involved with them, such as Methuselah and Venus project.

  • cofty
    Well we can make improvements until it approximates paradise

    Which is the exact opposite of the Watchtower doctrine regarding paradise earth.

    From the Venus Project website - 'human behavior can be directed, either toward constructive or destructive activity'.

    How is this different from Mao's vision of the blank slate or Stalin's 'New Communist man'?

  • cofty

    Fucking hell that Venus Project is the very definition of everything Orwell warned us about in 1984.

    'Evidence shows that most of our behavior is determined by the environment we live in.'

    Except that it isn't. Identical twin studies show that it is massively dependant on genes.

    This dystopian nightmare you are promoting is entirely based on the ridiculous notion of the Blank Slate that denies innate human nature. It is terrifying.

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