Call For Children To Get Baptised From CO

by freemindfade 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freemindfade

    Another interesting note, I asked my wife this morning what she thought of the part, she said she didn't agree with it. In the past, she would have been more of an apologist and been like "Welllllllllll, what he was trying to say was..." But this was so blatantly using fear, she thought it was wrong. I believe she is now at a phase where she is able to say things are wrong, but its still god's organization. So small progress.

    But there was no doubt the summary of the talk was:

    Get baptized ASAP or else! The big J is gonna call out a hit on you and send Jesus and his thugs to whack you.

    All this is just signs the org is getting desperate, asking for money, ordering children to get baptized, making excuses for everything going wrong. Its a religion that I believe has seen its last real growth.

  • blondie

    The WTS has never given a number to their term "age of accountability" but remember than Israelite children were considered dedicated to Jehovah from birth like Jesus and the boys killed by the bears were that Israelites and no mention of their ages in the Bible. Remember the WTS talks out of both sides of their mouth. Who chooses who is ready, their child or the parent? I have highlighted some things but keep in mind that I am reporting not supporting the WTS.

    Here is an article from 2011.

    *** w11 6/15 ShouldYouths Get Baptized? ***

    “I AM so happy that my daughteris now a servant of Jehovah, and I know that she is happy too,” said Carlos, aChristian father in the Philippines. A father from Greece wrote: “My wife and Iare delighted that our three children were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses during their adolescence. They are making spiritual progress and are happyabout serving Jehovah.”

    Christian parents have reasonto be overjoyed when their children get baptized, but sometimes the joy is accompanied by uneasiness. “I was very happy and very anxious,” said onemother. Why the mixed emotions? “I understood that my son was now fully accountable to Jehovah.”

    Serving Jehovah as one of his baptized Witnesses is a goal that all young ones should have. Yet, godly parents may wonder, ‘I know that my child has made good progress, but is he strong enough to resist immoral pressures and remain clean before Jehovah?’Others may ask themselves, ‘In facing the pull of materialism, will my child continue serving God with joy and zeal?’ Accordingly, what Biblical guidance can help parents determine whether their children are ready for baptism?

    Discipleship—ThePrime Requirement

    Instead of specifying an age toget baptized, God’s Word describes the spiritual condition of those qualifiedto take that step. Jesus instructed his followers: “Make disciples of people ofall the nations, baptizing them.” (Matt. 28:19) Hence, baptism is for those whoare already disciples of Christ.

    What is a disciple? Insighton the Scriptures explains: “The principal application of the term is toall those who not only believe Christ’s teachings but also follow them closely.”Are relatively young people capable of being genuine disciples of Christ? Asister who has served as a missionary in Latin America for over 40 years writes about herself and her two sisters: “We were old enough to know that we wanted to serve Jehovah and live in Paradise. Our dedication helped us to be strongwhen we faced the temptations of youth. We do not regret having made our dedication to God at an early age.”

    How do you know if your child has become a disciple of Christ? The Bible states: “Even by his practices a boy makes himself recognized as to whether his activity is pure and upright.”(Prov. 20:11) Consider some practices that reveal that a youth is making ‘his advancement manifest’ as a disciple.—1 Tim. 4:15.

    Proof ofDiscipleship

    Does your child obey you? (Col.3:20) Does he do his assigned chores around the house? The Bible states about12-year-old Jesus: “He continued subject to [his parents].” (Luke 2:51) Of course, no child today will obey his parents perfectly. But true Christians are to “follow [Jesus’] steps closely.” So youths interested in baptism should be known for their obedience to their parents.—1 Pet. 2:21.

    Consider the following questions: Does your child ‘keep seeking first the Kingdom’ in the ministry?(Matt. 6:33) Is he willing to share the good news with others, or do you have to give him strong encouragement to go out in the field service and talk at the doors? Is he mindful of his responsibility as an unbaptized publisher? Does he have a desire to call back on interested ones he meets in the territory? Does he make known to schoolmates and teachers that he is a Witness of Jehovah?

    Is attending congregation meetings important to him? (Ps. 122:1) Does he enjoy commenting at the Watchtower Study and the Congregation Bible Study? Is he enthusiastically participating inthe Theocratic Ministry School?—Heb. 10:24, 25.

    Does your child strive to stay clean morally by avoiding harmful associates in school and elsewhere? (Prov.13:20) What are his preferences regarding music, movies, television programs,video games, and the use of the Internet? Do his words and actions give evidence that he wants to comply with Bible standards?

    How well does your child know the Bible? Can he put in his own words what he learns during your Family Worship evening? Can he explain basic Bible truths? (Prov. 2:6-9) Does reading the Bible and studying the publications of the faithful and discreet slave class interest him? (Matt. 24:45) Does he ask questions about Bible teachings and verses? (more importantly does his parents? Blondie)

    Those questions may help you to gauge the spiritual progress of your child. After considering them, you may conclude that he should improve in some area before getting baptized. If,however, his life course gives proof of discipleship and he has indeed edicated his life to God, you may feel that you can allow him to get baptized.

    YoungPeople Can Praise Jehovah

    Many servants of God showed faithfulness and loyalty during adolescence or earlier. Think of Joseph,Samuel, Josiah, and Jesus. (Gen. 37:2; 39:1-3; 1 Sam. 1:24-28; 2:18-20; 2 Chron.34:1-3; Luke 2:42-49) And Philip’s four daughters, who prophesied, must have been well-trained from an early age.—Acts 21:8, 9.

    A Witness in Greece said: “I was baptized when I was 12 years old. I have never regretted my decision. Since then, 24 years have passed, 23 of which I have spent in the full-time service.My love for Jehovah always helped me to face the difficulties of youth. At the age of 12, I did not have the Scriptural knowledge that I have now. But I knew that I loved Jehovah and wanted to serve him forever. I am glad that he has helped me to continue in his service.”

    Whether young or old, a person who gives evidence of true discipleship should get baptized. The apostle Paulwrote: “With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with themouth one makes public declaration for salvation.” (Rom. 10:10) When a young disciple of Christ takes the important step of baptism, both he and his parents have reached a milestone. May nothing deprive you or your children of the joy that awaits you.


    Some names have been changed.

    [Box on page 5]

    The Proper View ofBaptism

    Some parents consider their children’s baptism as a beneficial step that involves risk—much like getting a driver’slicense. But do baptism and sacred service ever threaten a person’s future success? The Bible answers no. Proverbs 10:22 states: “The blessing of Jehovah—thatis what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it.” And Paul wrote to youngTimothy: “To be sure, it is a means of great gain, this godly devotion along with self-sufficiency.”—1 Tim. 6:6.

    True, serving Jehovah is not easy. Jeremiah faced many hardships in his work as God’s prophet. Yet, he wrote about his worship of the true God: “Your word becomes to me the exultation and therejoicing of my heart; for your name has been called upon me, O Jehovah God of armies.” (Jer. 15:16) Jeremiah knew that God’s service was the source of his joy. Satan’s world is a source of hardships. Parents need to help their children to recognize that distinction.—Jer. 1:19.

    [Box/Picture on page 6]

    Should My Child PutOff Baptism?

    Occasionally, even when children qualify for baptism, their parents may decide that it should be postponed. What may betheir reasons?

    I fear that if my child gets baptized, hemight later fall into serious sin and get disfellowshipped. Is it reasonable to believe that a young person who puts off baptism will not be accountable toGod for his conduct? Solomon directed the following words to young ones: “Know that on account of [your actions] the true God will bring you into judgment.”(Eccl. 11:9) And with no exception as to age, Paul gave this reminder: “Each of us will render an account for himself to God.”—Rom. 14:12.

    Both baptized and unbaptized worshippers areaccountable to God. Do not forget, Jehovah protects his servants by ‘notletting them be tempted beyond what they can bear.’ (1 Cor. 10:13) As longas they ‘keep their senses’ and fight temptation, such ones can count on God’s support. (1 Pet. 5:6-9) A Christian mother writes: “Children who are baptized have more reasons to stay away from the bad things of the world. Myson, baptized at 15, feels that baptism is a protection. ‘You don’t think aboutdoing something contrary to Jehovah’s law,’ he said. Baptism is a strong motivation for righteousness.”

    If you have trained your children by word and example to obey Jehovah, you can be confident that they will continue to do so after they are baptized. Proverbs 20:7 states: “The righteous is walking in hisintegrity. Happy are his sons after him.”

    I would like to see my child reach certain goals first. Young people should learn to work so that, in time, they can be self-sufficient. But there is danger in encouraging them to take up a lifestyle centered on education and financial security instead of true worship.Regarding a “seed,” or the word of the Kingdom, that does not grow, Jesus said:“As for the one sown among the thorns, this is the one hearing the word, butthe anxiety of this system of things and the deceptive power of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.” (Matt. 13:22) Plans for a life that subordinates spirituality to worldly goals can snuff out a young person’s desire to serve God.

    Commenting on youths who qualify for baptism but whose parents do not agree, an experienced elder said: “Preventing a young one from getting baptized can break his spiritual momentum and lead to discouragement.” And a traveling overseer wrote: “A youth could begin feeling spiritually insecure or inferior. He might look to the world to gain a feeling of accomplishment.”

  • freemindfade

    Not sure if it was part of the outline, but I get the distinct feeling they have been told the kids aren't drinking enough witness koolaid.

    I haven't heard that kind of fear mongering from the org or a CO since my childhood when the literature used to be laden with disturbing armageddon illustrations.

  • Heaven

    In 2010, my Dad's CO told him "The young ones are leaving in droves." This is probably one of the reasons why they want to get them signed up so young.

  • freemindfade
    Its a captive religion, with a contract. Information is more available than ever now, and the kids can more easily access it, get them to sign the contract sooner and lock them in.
  • Divergent
    Kids these days are smart. We have statistics showing that 2/3 of JW children leave "the truth" eventually. Hope this would go up to 3/4 or 4/5 in future!
  • Splash
    freemindfade Information is more available than ever now, and the kids can more easily access it, get them to sign the contract sooner and lock them in.

    Preferably before they are old enough to be allowed an internet connected smartphone.

  • FayeDunaway

    This is so disturbing. More families torn apart. More children alone in the world.

    Fmf, that your wife can say they are wrong is actually a huge step. It wasn't that long for me from the time I admitted they were wrong about some things until I was completely out mentally. Admitting they are flat out wrong about something is huge!!

  • freemindfade
    FayeD I agree. It shows her allowing herself intellectual honesty, and that can be the first crack in the CD. She is far from waking up, but its a big step.
  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    Oh hell nooooooo!!!

    This is one of the most important steps ever. A still developing child should in no way be held accountable to make such decision. HELL NOOOOOO!!!


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