Death is the least of human suffering - the cessation of pain, the ending of suffering, the complete and FINAL answer to all the questions. If a child dies, it isn't a tragedy for the child. He is no longer in pain, he is no longer suffering.
It's a tragedy for those of us who live on, with the memory, missing the good sweet things that the child was and did.
Death is a blessing, really, after the misery of human life.
It's LIFE that hurts.
The things that humans do to each other and have done for thousands of years are the things that are horrible.
According to the myth, life hurts because our parents demanded the freedom to decide for themselves what good and bad were. And that right was passed down to each of us - the total freedom to do anything we want - live in charity or press the nuclear button or cut down all the trees, slaughter the Jews - anything we want to do to each other, we are allowed to do. And it makes life suck.
But death is our gift. Even the poorest slave can find refuge in it. The greatest Emperor cannot hide from it. Victims of torture can escape through it.
Bluntly, I think Death was God's merciful gift to a human race that had abandoned his ways - He knew how much life would suck without his guidance, and that eternal life on this planet would be a literal Hell.
And, mercifully, he promised to build a new world, under his direct control, where all of us could find a peaceful life under his rule.
For those of you who insist on personal freedom - who reject god in fury and anger and pride - well, this is your world. Like, loathe it, leave it - it's up to you. You have total freedom - any constraints that mankind has put on you are the ones you accept and decide to bear. Either God tells us what to do or some fat white guy in a suit does - who do you like better?