Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!

by AwakenedAndFree 270 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AwakenedAndFree
    ACTS 10:34, 35: (34):" At this Peter opened his mouth and said:" For a certainty I percieve that God is not partial, (35):" but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." NWT
    JOHN: " 5:24:" Most truly I say to YOU, He that hears my word and believes him that sent me has everlasting life, and he does not come into judgement but has passed over from death to life."NWT

    I would like to thank all of you who replied to this thread.

    Thank you for your comments, insights and compliments !

    Christian Love,


  • JamesThomas

    ((AAF)), Thank you again for your what seem to be very honest and open replies that have explained for me where you are coming from. You express yourself in a very kind and gentle manner and your love and admiration for your god is so complete that perhaps he could kill every man women and child on earth, and you would continue to love and adore Him; one reason being: 1 Corinthians 2:9:" But just as it is written:" Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him." Your "love" is indeed something special, and you certainly deserve a reward of some kind. Perhaps your god will give you a heart and a soul -- but then, you wouldn't be like him. It breaks my heart that religion has so bastardized God/Love/Righteousness that it is indistinguishable from evil, and hypnotizes otherwise kind people into blindly loving what is blatantly bad. I do not mean to insult you as a person AAF. If you were here in front of me right now I would want to just hug you and cry. I just wish you were awake enough and free enough to see what your beliefs have done to you. j

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    It's not a 'love' contract

    If your children are living well you help and give them more - if they become hurtful to others, or unkind, you retrict them - if they are being bad, you punish them - often they don't understand.

    It's all good

  • Faraon

    A Paduan,

    It's not a 'love' contract

    If your children are living well you help and give them more - if they become hurtful to others, or unkind, you retrict them - if they are being bad, you punish them - often they don't understand.

    It's all good

    This is a god who didn't give a hoot for anyone except for the Israelites.

    It is an exclusive god to the Israelites. He didn't care for the people in the new world for thousands of years before and after Jesus.

    I get sick of this murdering god who is no better than Hitler or other despots, and how for many years I actually thought that he was a real god.

    If he was, I'd rather go to Satan. He is less evil than Jehovah.

  • AwakenedAndFree
    Dear ThomasJames, Thank you again for your what seem to be very honest and open replies that have explained for me where you are coming from. You are welcome! You express yourself in a very kind and gentle manner and your love and admiration for your god is so complete that perhaps he could kill every man women and child on earth, and you would continue to love and adore Him; one reason being: Jehovah God is Supreme in Holiness. Rightly, He expects us to be holy. He tells us in the Bible :" I am Holy, you have to be holy" ! Corinthians 3:16:" Do YOU not know that YOU people are God's temple, and that the spirit of God dwells in YOU?" 1 Corinthians 3:17:" If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, which [temple] YOU people are." DANIEL 7:7:" But the holy ones of the Supreme One will receive the kingdom and they will take possession of the Kingdom for time indefinite, even for time indefinite." A God that accepts everyone without conditions is NOT a Holy God! Refusing to love Jehovah God, Creator of all existing life, Creator of this marvelous universe is rejecting Him and His Holy Son Jesus Christ. God being Almighty in superlative power and in Holiness, righteously chooses creatures that give Him All the Glory , and these ones are God's children. And we, as Christians have Great Reverence and Outmost Respect for Our Holy Precious Loving God Jehovah. Your "love" is indeed something special, and you certainly deserve a reward of some kind. Matthew: 22:36:" Teacher, which is the greatest commandement in the Law?" Matthew 22:37:" He said to Him: 'YOU must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind." Perhaps your god will give you a heart and a soul -- but then, you wouldn't be like him. As a Christian, I strive to follow God's Laws and Principles and by doing so I consider myself a child of God. It breaks my heart that religion has so bastardized God/Love/Righteousness that it is indistinguishable from evil, and hypnotizes otherwise kind people into blindly loving what is blatantly bad. Thomas, you have created a God of your own design. You perception of a "God" is a God who will Love YOU if YOU don't LOVE HIM! I do not mean to insult you as a person AAF. If you were here in front of me right now I would want to just hug you and cry. (((Thomas)))), please don't cry for me: I have a God who saves and who loves me - be HAPPY for me! I cried for you when I read the above because You don't have a God and no Savior. You are in my prayers. I just wish you were awake enough and free enough to see what your beliefs have done to you. My Christian beliefs have awakened me and freed me from a world without Jehovah God. Christian Love, AAF
    Dec 1, 2003

  • JamesThomas
    Thomas, you have created a God of your own design. You perception of a "God" is a God who will Love YOU if YOU don't LOVE HIM!

    You are so right, AAF. However, I created nothing; simply observed what is here already. I have three children. There is an innate and stable love for them that dwells within my heart. This love is not dependent on anything they say or do. It is not an earned love that came second; it was here first. It is a love that is not even affected by me. No matter how angry or upset I may be with them, if I just stop and look within, the love is there, untouched and untainted. They are loved no matter. Does it not seem obvious AAF, that if there is a God, the Source of this marvelous universe, It must be infinitely more than our ideas and beliefs about It, and never less? If I, a mere human find unconditional love within myself (which I am discovering is not limited to just my children), then what of God's love? Am I, dear AAF, somehow greater than your religions' God? Or is it far more likely that the True-God is infinitely more, and it is only our human concepts/beliefs about God that are limited and conditional? I realize it is far easier to get ones mind around a god that is created in the image and likeness of a lowly man. A god whose love and acceptance is limited and conditional. A god, who judges and condemns, and who is more than willing to kill his own ignorant children. However, if we just take some time and focus on the love within our very own heart, we may find that the only limits and boundaries to God, the only distance between our Source and ourselves -- are fabrications of the mind. It seems we are free to believe in as tiny and limited a god we want. Few seem to question the beliefs of god they were raised with. Few seem to look farther than human-like images and beliefs. But, there is nothing to stop you AAF or anyone, from investigating and looking deeper into the center of the love you have; past the minds commentary, interpretations, beliefs, images and judgments, deep into the vibrant aliveness of it and see -- is God less, or more? j

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    This is a god who didn't give a hoot for anyone except for the Israelites.

    As relayed by the Israelites

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    So someone asks if you have any problem with God killing innocent people and you respond with vague scriptures about not questioning his ways.

    I'm sorry, I don't buy it. If God was real, right there in front of you and pulled out a gun and shot your mother or child you'd find some comfort in a vague scripture I'm sure.

    I'm glad I don't get it.

  • czarofmischief

    Death is the least of human suffering - the cessation of pain, the ending of suffering, the complete and FINAL answer to all the questions. If a child dies, it isn't a tragedy for the child. He is no longer in pain, he is no longer suffering.

    It's a tragedy for those of us who live on, with the memory, missing the good sweet things that the child was and did.

    Death is a blessing, really, after the misery of human life.

    It's LIFE that hurts.

    The things that humans do to each other and have done for thousands of years are the things that are horrible.

    According to the myth, life hurts because our parents demanded the freedom to decide for themselves what good and bad were. And that right was passed down to each of us - the total freedom to do anything we want - live in charity or press the nuclear button or cut down all the trees, slaughter the Jews - anything we want to do to each other, we are allowed to do. And it makes life suck.

    But death is our gift. Even the poorest slave can find refuge in it. The greatest Emperor cannot hide from it. Victims of torture can escape through it.

    Bluntly, I think Death was God's merciful gift to a human race that had abandoned his ways - He knew how much life would suck without his guidance, and that eternal life on this planet would be a literal Hell.

    And, mercifully, he promised to build a new world, under his direct control, where all of us could find a peaceful life under his rule.

    For those of you who insist on personal freedom - who reject god in fury and anger and pride - well, this is your world. Like, loathe it, leave it - it's up to you. You have total freedom - any constraints that mankind has put on you are the ones you accept and decide to bear. Either God tells us what to do or some fat white guy in a suit does - who do you like better?


  • AwakenedAndFree
    ((((Dear Thomas James)))) You are so right, AAF. However, I created nothing; simply observed what is here already. Perceptionally speaking, I thought you had "created" a God in your own imagination ! I have three children. There is an innate and stable love for them that dwells within my heart. This love is not dependent on anything they say or do. It is not an earned love that came second; it was here first. It is a love that is not even affected by me. No matter how angry or upset I may be with them, if I just stop and look within, the love is there, untouched and untainted. They are loved no matter. As Christians, we are to love our children unconditionally. However, as Christian parents, we also have God's authority to conform to: Instilling /instructing our children to be Godly and Holy: It is a Christian obligation that we all have to comply to - If our children were to become unresponsive to God's Word and become ignorant of applying such Christian priciples, God wouldn't consider them unclean - in God's Eyes, they are still holy! 1 Corinthians 7:14:" For the unbelieving husband is sanctified in relation to his [wife] , and the unbelieving wife is sanctified in relation to the brother; otherwise YOUR children would be really unclean, but now they are holy." Does it not seem obvious AAF, that if there is a God, the Source of this marvelous universe, It must be infinitely more than our ideas and beliefs about It, and never less? Infinitely unserchable He His . If I, a mere human find unconditional love within myself (which I am discovering is not limited to just my children), then what of God's love? God's Love is complete and Holy. Your unconditional love towards your children and to your fellowman is incomplete love. When God's Holy Spirit dwells in you, you become the creature that God created : 1 Peter 1:16:"Because it is written " YOU must be holy, because I am holy."NWT Am I, dear AAF, somehow greater than your religions' God? PSALMS 139:1:" O Jehovah, you have searched through me, and you know [me]."NWT PSALMS:" 139:14:" I shall loud YOU because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. YOUR works are wonderful, As my soul is very well aware."NWT PSALMS 139:"16:" YOUR eyes saw even the embryo of me, And in your book all its parts were down in writting, As regards the days when they were formed And there was not yet one among them."NWT Or is it far more likely that the True-God is infinitely more, and it is only our human concepts/beliefs about God that are limited and conditional? I realize it is far easier to get ones mind around a god that is created in the image and likeness of a lowly man. A god whose love and acceptance is limited and conditional. A god, who judges and condemns, and who is more than willing to kill his own ignorant children. However, if we just take some time and focus on the love within our very own heart, we may find that the only limits and boundaries to God, the only distance between our Source and ourselves -- are fabrications of the mind. 1 Thessalonians 4:8: " So then the man that shows disregard is disregarding, not man, but God." It seems we are free to believe in as tiny and limited a god we want. Few seem to question the beliefs of god they were raised with. Few seem to look farther than human-like images and beliefs. But, there is nothing to stop you AAF or anyone, from investigating and looking deeper into the center of the love you have; past the minds commentary, interpretations, beliefs, images and judgments, deep into the vibrant aliveness of it and see -- is God less, or more? j ROMANS:11:33:" O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unserchable his judgements [are] and past tracing out his ways [are] ! ROMANS 11:34:" For "who has come to know Jehovah's mind, or who has become his conselor?" ROMANS 11:35:" Or, " who has first given to him, so that it must be repaid to him?" ROMANS 11:36:" Because from him and by him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever. Amen." ((((((Thomas)))))), I have expressed some of my Christian beliefs/viewpoints here as an act of love to all, incluiding yourself. I would like to inform you that I respect you for what you believe in, spiritually speaking. I apologize if I offended you in any way with any observations/comments I made towards you. God gave us all freewill. It's up to us all to decide how to exercise it : Relatively or self- determiningly. Christian Love, AAF

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