I'm new to Portland and to this forum...would like to correspond, maybe do coffee? 40ish swf
Former JWs in Portland, OR looking for friendship?
by bisous 106 Replies latest jw experiences
Sorry Bisous,
We have our allotment of 40ish exJW SWF's in Portland. You either need to become a Mormon and then leave them, then join the exMorman board, or move to San Francisco.
Craig (Onacruse) is the official exJW leader here in Portland and he will back me up on that. If his wife (biker chick) says something to the contrary just ignore her. She is a 90ish exJW MWF and she lies.
There are a few of us exJW from Portland on this board but we really don't like each other. We get together for....coffee....ya, that's it...coffee, once in a while but it isn't much fun.
If you can't become a Mormon or move then I guess we'll let you into the club. I'm the club treasure.
I take Visa or Master Card.Welcome to the board.
wow...had me going for a minute there..lol...i guess the only thing better than an exJW is a funny exJW!!
although I have only met 2 exJWs since I left 20 years ago....isn't that bizarre ?
well if the club meets soon and can stand one more I certainly hope you'll let me know. Send me a p/m (i think that is the forum lingo for private email...but could be wrong) and i'll be there. thanks,
Funny? I didn't say anything funny! I'm damn serious. I'm the most serious person on this board.
I also don't PM people. PM's lead to conversations and conversations lead to spelling errors. Actually there are several exJW's from Portland that are usually on the board at night, I don't post a lot so you got me on a rare night. The other exJW's from Portland had a little get together last night and I think they are all suffering from a coffee hangover. I don't go to the get togethers because I am practicing to become an antisocial. Craig is usually on the board every night and only logs off to go to the bathroom or yell at his wife to make him another sandwich.
I'm sure one of them will see your post and PM you tomorrow. They love PM's cuz they get to use their new spell checkers. Craig and Kate have been married a whole year this Christmas so I'm sure the're not in bed yet. Craig is a mod on this board and usually checks it out before he puts his Jammies on to see if there are any cuss words to delete that I accidentally might have slipped in. I'm sure he will see your post and do one of his famous "welcome to the board" posts along with his 90 year old wife. Sorry you only had me from Portland to welcome you to the board, I never do that stuff. I'm not allowed on any of the welcoming committees.
Just wait until tomorrow and you will meet a few new friends. Too bad you're not from Texas, there are a bazillion exJW's from tTexas on this board and they get drunk and post all night. The're from Texas, it's their job.
Big Tex
The're from Texas, it's their job.
Damn straight.
'k, i can see now that you'll keep me guessing....i'm up for the challenge
Hey, don't forget the better ex's are across the river in Vancouver
well, hope i can meet them too!!!!
Craig just called me on the phone. He calls me almost every night even though I tell him not to. You'd figure after being married a year he can figure out what to do on his own.
He wanted to have me tell you that I was right, we are all full up on 40something exJW swf's here in Portland, sorry. If you know how to get blind drunk and ride in the back of a rusty pick up with a pet pig and a half a dozen kids I'm sure the exJW's from Texas will take you. You might need to yank out a few teeth and learn to chaw on some tabackee but at least the men there aren't that way.
Their leader's name is Valis. He's a little too elder-like and clean cut for my liking but he's potty trained. Trees and bushes see him coming and they run like hell. He use to be an elder, that should tell you something.
Well, it was nice knowing you, have a nice trip to Texas.
Red, What river?
wow....i know it is JW policy to disassociate from us worldly types -- but exJWs...you must have a chip on your shoulder the size of Texas!
and just fyi, with my combination of irish and french, i've yet to meet the one i can't outdrink ... coffee, likker, you name it
and finally for the record, i only run when chased.
Craig, I'll be calling you soon to verify the veracity of Dave's post. K