New chick,
Is this the time I'm saposta start answering all your questions? I was married before. Iv perfected the art of acting like there's is a football stuck in my ear. If I answered all your questions then you would loose all confidence in the fallibility of men. Just accept the fact that because of this endless banter you have now met several new people including some fellow exJW chicks that may someday end up your bestest buddies.
Don't thank me, it's my job.
Now come on, you have to admit the box of chocolates and Tory Amos comment was good. Be honest now, you laughed didn't you?
PS: Don't try and pass off a hot flash jitter where you hit the reply button twice as posting twice cuz I'm too dumb to get it. Chicks, ya can't live with'em can't live with'em.